Peoples Perspective

Landowner Farm Leasing Considerations

 August 30, 2021
 Land Management 

A well-drafted farm lease goes beyond the standard form of establishing acres and rental rate, and sets the stage for a healthy, long-term relationship with a farm operator. The lease should be the steering wheel for the farm, outlining objectives and setting clear terms so that everyone is on...

Buildings on Land - Do They Contribute Value?

 August 26, 2021
 Land Values 

Buildings, sometimes referred to as ‘improvements’ in an appraisal, provide shelter and storage for equipment, livestock and products on a farm. In the modern day of American agriculture, it’s nostalgic to view old photos of farms and understand how these buildings were used...

Organic Production – A Farmland Investment Strategy

 August 26, 2021
 Land Values 

Trends in organic food consumption in the United States, as well as the level of imports of organic feed grains, indicate more farmland in the U.S. needs to be transitioned to organic production in order to satisfy growing domestic demand for organic food.   This represents a...

Local Farm Manager Earns Highest Professional Status

 August 19, 2021
 Land Management 

DENVER, CO August 17, 2021 – Eric Geiger, AFM, Peoples Company, Omaha, NE, has been awarded the Accredited Farm Manager (AFM) designation from the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers® (ASFMRA®). Geiger earned the AFM designation by meeting stringent...

Licensing & Accreditation

 August 18, 2021
 Real Estate 

To regain trust in the financial and lending sector of the economy, the United States Congress passed Title XI Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, also known as FIRREA. This act signaled the beginning of appraisal licensing. Every appraiser begins their career...

Farm Lease Considerations: Short Term vs. Long Term

 August 17, 2021
 Land Management 

Farmland has two return components: long-term appreciation and short-term cash yield.  The way a landowner can capture appreciation of a farm is a pretty straight forward recipe:  provide good general maintenance, emphasize soil health practices, and reinvest in the farm with...

Land Auction Results - July 2021

 August 4, 2021
 Land Auctions 

In July 2021, there were 54 agricultural tracts greater than 35 acres offered at public auction with an average dollar per gross acre of $11,156. The average dollar per CSR2 for the 25 tracts that offered greater than 85% tillable was $154, which is down a bit from the 2021 Q2 average of $157,...

Federal Crop Insurance ­­– A Powerful Tool for Farmland Investing

 August 3, 2021
 Crop Insurance 

Blog by Dave Muth, Managing Partner, Alternative Equity Advisors The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) administered federal crop insurance program (FCIP) makes U.S. farmland truly unique compared to other investment grade asset classes across the globe. The FCIP provides a minimum annual...

Breach of Contract: Is the Deal Dead or On Life Support?

 August 2, 2021
 Real Estate 

Blog by Lindsey Brown, Land Sales & Cameron Lawler, Staff Attorney One of the most difficult barriers to a successful real estate transaction is when one party to a contract begins to waiver or back out of the agreement that was executed. Generally, both the buyer and seller are motivated...

Land Investment Monthly - August 2021

 August 1, 2021
 Land Values 

Photo credit: Nathan Howard/Getty Images   China is buying up American farms. Washington wants to crack down. The push to drain China’s influence from the U.S. economy has reached America’s farm country, as congressional lawmakers from both parties are looking at measures...