Peoples Perspective

Farmland Leasing: Termination Deadlines by State

 June 17, 2021
 Land Management 

A well-drafted farm lease can be the difference between a great working relationship with your farm operator or an opportunity for headaches and confusion. A farm lease should include the number of acres, intended use of acres, the rental rate of said acres, term of the lease, owner and...

Pandemic Cover Crop Program

 June 9, 2021
 Land Management 

If you planted a cover crop last fall, you may be eligible for a $5/acre premium benefit through your crop insurance policy. Funding is provided through the Pandemic Cover Crop Program and offered by the USDA's Risk Management Agency with the goal to help farmers maintain their cover...

Land Investment Monthly - June 2021

 June 1, 2021
 Land Values 

Photo credit: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images   Farmland values continue to rise Interest in purchasing agricultural land has grown since a coronavirus pandemic-induced slowdown blanketed the land market last spring. Farmers are feeling more financially secure as very strong...

Iowa Farmland Values: Pocahontas and Humboldt County

 May 27, 2021
 Land Values 

Continuing with the Iowa Farmland Values blog series, we will use the 2020 Farmland Value Survey to highlight the average farmland characteristics and production costs in Pocahontas and Humboldt County. If you are interested in acquiring similar information, contact your local extension...

Why to Consider Property Taxes When Making Farmland Investment Decisions

 May 26, 2021
 Real Estate 


Sustainability and Drainage

 May 24, 2021
 Land Values 

Guest blog by Corey Getz and Quint Shambaugh, DIGS Associates The key to safeguarding America’s land Conservation and efficiency are emerging as top concerns for agriculture as a new presidential administration sets priorities and policy. Consumers also demand responsible practices...

Continual Improvement for Greatest Return

 May 18, 2021
 Land Values 

With so much digital information at our fingertips, instant gratification is easy to find. But effectively managing farms -- where productivity is maximized and sensitive acres are protected -- is not often as easy as checking a few boxes and moving on. Mother nature has a wicked way of messing...

Iowa Farmland Values: Calhoun and Webster County

 May 14, 2021
 Land Values 

Continuing with the Iowa Farmland Values blog series, we will use the 2020 Farmland Value Survey to highlight average farmland characteristics and production costs in Calhoun and Webster County. If you are interested in acquiring similar information, contact your local extension office or...

Big Questions in Land Management: Policy, Improvements, Carbon Credits, and Emerging Markets

 May 11, 2021
 Land Management 

  The last year presented many unexpected challenges and changes to the world, especially in the agriculture community. Please join us on Wednesday, May 12th, from 3-4 p.m. CST for a discussion on the most relevant and pressing issues facing agriculture in 2021. The hour-long,...

What Rising Grain Prices Mean for Landowners & Operators

 May 11, 2021
 Land Management