Land Auction Results

For detailed information about a specific auction, please click on the Listing Number and contact the Listing Agent.

Sale Date State County Land Type Gross Acres $ Per Acre CSR2 Listing
01-16-2025 IA Franklin Cropland 164.93 13500 93.1
01-16-2025 IA Des Moines Cropland 77 9675 59.8
01-16-2025 IA Franklin Cropland 92.05 14900 92.1
01-15-2025 IA Des Moines Cropland 79.05 10500 68.1
01-15-2025 IA Lyon Cropland 80 21700 67.5
01-15-2025 IA Winneshiek Cropland 79.94 13750 69.2
01-15-2025 IA Winneshiek Cropland 29.71 9149.98 50.4
01-15-2025 IA Winneshiek Cropland 96.82 8900 61.6
01-15-2025 IA Winneshiek Cropland 104.77 11250 59.9
01-15-2025 IA Sac Residential 47 19500 96.9
01-15-2025 IA Des Moines Cropland 48.99 13750.01 76.6
01-10-2025 IA Harrison Cropland/Rec 198.05 7700 65.1
01-10-2025 IA Harrison Cropland 104.43 10900 59.2
01-10-2025 IA Harrison Cropland/Rec 151.65 6300 66.2
01-10-2025 IA Harrison Cropland 80 8600 63.6
01-10-2025 IA Woodbury Cropland/Transitional 81.33 14000 77.6
01-10-2025 IA Harrison Cropland 80 8700 44.5
01-09-2025 IA Winneshiek Cropland 155 10600 68.9
01-08-2025 IA Plymouth Cropland 39.6 20600 90
01-08-2025 IA Plymouth Cropland 76.62 15100 67.6

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