Farmland Insights

Data and Tools

U.S. farmland has a long history of strong performance as an investment-grade asset class. It is also incredibly diverse and requires extensive regional and even local data to understand investment performance. Peoples Company has developed a proprietary data exploration toolkit called FarmWorth to help us integrate the best available farmland data resources including USDA NASS, USDA ERS, USDA RMA, NCREIF, University of Illinois Center for Farmland Research, and several private sector data providers. The FarmWorth system will help farmland stakeholders understand trends and characteristics of farmland assets at national, state, and county scales. Core financial performance metrics including land values, rental rates, and property tax rates are available over multiple decades to help users better understand farmland.

Why Farmland

Over the last decade, the evolution of farmland as a real investable asset class has really taken major steps forward. It's grown into an asset class with both enough size, and scale, and transaction volume that as a professionally recognized asset class has come into its own.

National Land Values Report

Each year Peoples Company publishes our National Land Values Report which contains an analysis of historical market trends, a regional breakdown of current market conditions, and an overview of recent farmland investment outcomes based on the NCREIF index.

Our 2024 report includes insights into land values, income performance, regional updates, and factors influencing farmland investments, such as inflation, trade policies, and emerging ecosystem income streams.


Utilizing the Farmland Insights Data

Financial performance data for farmland has improved substantially over the past 30 years. State-level and even county-level metrics are widely available for research and analysis. The farmland insights data presented will help users assess near-term opportunities and long-term trends in prices, returns, and factors such as yields and operational risks (soils, crop insurance, etc.).

Select Farmland Value, Cash Rent, or Farmland Returns below and click on individual states below for more detail.