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Senator Joni Ernst Confirmed for 2016 Land Expo Speaker Line-up

January 28, 2016 - Peoples Company

Senator Joni Ernst, the first woman to represent Iowa in the United States Congress, has been confirmed as a speaker for Friday's Ninth Annual Land Investment Expo in West Des Moines.

In addition to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry – a working group responsible for authorizing the majority of farming, conservation and nutrition programs – Senator Ernst serves on the Armed Services; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; and Small Business and Entrepreneurship committees.

Born in Montgomery County, Iowa, the combat veteran in November 2014 was elected to serve in the United States Senate. She served in the U.S. armed forced for 23 years, achieving the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Iowa Army National Guard prior to retiring from the military in 2015.

From 2011 to 2014, Senator Ernst served as a member of the Iowa Senate. In Washington, she chairs the Rural Development and Energy subcommittee, while also helping to oversee numerous programs in relation to the rural development mission of the USDA – including job and business growth; telecommunications and utilities; electrification; loans; housing; and improving renewable energy and energy efficiency for farms and ranches.

More than 600 attendees have registered to attend the sold out 2016 Land Expo, January 29, at the Sheraton West Des Moines. LandInvestmentExpo.com.

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