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Peoples Company Welcomes Kyle Walker as Latest Addition to Land Management Team

December 3, 2015 - Peoples Company

Peoples Company has welcomed Kyle Walker as the newest member of its professional Land Management services team. Walker, who joined the organization nearly two years ago as a Peoples Company Land Agent, completed his transition to full-time Land Manager in November 2015.

Peoples Company’s comprehensive approach to Land Management centers on enhancing income and providing for superior appreciation of agricultural real estate while considering the principles of stewardship, sustainability, soil conservation and water quality.

Walker is adept in all facets of land management, such as improving tillable acres through terracing, tiling and waterways, and alongside tactics associated with the negotiation of cash rents and settlement of contract disputes.

He joins a cohesive team of land management professionals with an emphasis on collecting, documenting and analyzing data related to soil fertility, yield history, advancing technology and production practices. One objective is to boost production on the highest quality acres while safeguarding the most environmentally sensitive portions of a farm.

“Our methodology centers on fulfilling clients’ investment goals through the implementation of farm specific asset management strategies,” Walker said. “My goal is to assist clients with managing their farms in an sustainable manner by preserving topsoil and maximizing potential revenue streams.”

Walker, who has more than 10 years of farm management experience, is a licensed real estate sales associate in the state of Iowa. The avid hunter and outdoorsman earned a bachelor’s degree in sports management from Iowa State University.

Published in: News & Events