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Land Auction Results | February 2025

March 3, 2025 - Ashley Poduska

The appraisal team at Peoples Company was able to track 65 tracts or 7,510 acres sold at public auction in Iowa during February 2025. The average dollar per acre was $12,178, the average dollar per tillable acre was $13,263, and the average dollar per CSR2 was $171.

Peoples Company Auctions
80.00 Acres M/L in LaMoure County, ND
153.89 Acres M/L in Madison County, IA
160.00 Acres M/L in Greene County, IA
160.00 Acres M/L in Polk County, NE
308.71 Acres M/L in Clay County, MN
156.04 Acres M/L in Greene County, IA
166.07 Acres M/L in Wright County, IA
140.76 Acres M/L in Pottawattamie County, IA
356.58 Acres M/L in Goodhue County, MN
198.98 Acres M/L in Wayne County, IA

Click HERE to view the Iowa Land Values Update for 2024 Quarter 4.

Below are results for land auctions that occurred in February 2025. These are all agricultural real estate auctions containing greater than 35 acres. Dollar per CSR2 was calculated only for those tracts containing greater than 85% tillable with minimal improvement contribution. Data is presented on a monthly and quarterly basis, and can be found on our website: https://peoplescompany.com/

Sale Date State County Land Type Gross Acres $ Per Acre CSR2
02-04-2025 IA Fayette Cropland/Pasture 75.44 $ 10,041 89.2
02-04-2025 IA Fayette Cropland 154.50 $ 11,900 84.4
02-06-2025 IA Plymouth Cropland 39.70 $ 22,600 79.3
02-07-2025 IA Washington Cropland 72.00 $ 8,850 61.1
02-10-2025 IA Tama Rural Res/Cropland 170.00 $ 11,250 85.6
02-11-2025 IA Hardin Cropland 77.96 $ 14,800 85.9
02-11-2025 IA Sioux Cropland 77.06 $ 17,200 90.7
02-11-2025 IA Sioux Cropland 44.29 $ 14,400 83.9
02-11-2025 IA Fremont Cropland 156.00 $ 10,800 81.2
02-12-2025 IA Calhoun Cropland 160.00 $ 13,300 87.1
02-12-2025 IA Webster Cropland 65.50 $ 11,960 73.7
02-12-2025 ND LaMoure Cropland 80.00 $ 5,800 80.1
02-12-2025 IA Boone Cropland 49.49 $ 14,100 81.5
02-12-2025 IA Sioux Mixed 298.21 $ 9,600 35.8
02-13-2025 IA Madison Cropland 54.45 $ 12,000 54.2
02-13-2025 IA Madison Building Site 24.44 $ 15,139 --
02-13-2025 IA Madison Cropland/Rec 75.00 $ 8,900 53.4
02-18-2025 WI Grant Cropland 10.74 $ 24,600 81.3
02-18-2025 WI Grant Cropland 13.60 $ 22,200 84.8
02-18-2025 WI Grant Cropland 30.03 $ 17,100 84.4
02-18-2025 WI Grant Cropland 60.65 $ 22,700 84
02-19-2025 NE Polk Cropland 160.00 $ 13,200 66
02-19-2025 IA Cerro Gordo Cropland 94.79 $ 13,575 86.9
02-19-2025 IA Hardin Cropland 61.44 $ 16,000 86.8
02-19-2025 IA Hardin Cropland/CRP 301.63 $ 13,800 61.6
02-19-2025 IA Hardin Cropland 159.01 $ 13,800 79.4
02-19-2025 IA Hardin Cropland 77.73 $ 13,800 74.5
02-19-2025 IA Hardin Cropland 306.95 $ 13,800 80.9
02-19-2025 IA Hardin Cropland 160.00 $ 13,800 82.5
02-19-2025 IA Hardin Cropland 147.72 $ 13,800 79.4
02-19-2025 IA Hardin Cropland 135.97 $ 13,800 75.9
02-19-2025 IA Greene Cropland 160.00 $ 16,000 85.9
02-20-2025 IA Guthrie Cropland 78.00 $ 14,200 88.7
02-20-2025 IA Greene Cropland 101.25 $ 11,700 77.1
02-20-2025 IA Greene Cropland 54.79 $ 9,800 62.5
02-20-2025 IA Guthrie Cropland 155.13 $ 15,800 86.5
02-20-2025 IA Guthrie Pasture 24.37 $ 7,800 82.4
02-20-2025 IA Guthrie Cropland 79.00 $ 15,800 88.5
02-20-2025 IA Guthrie Cropland 70.00 $ 14,200 88.6
02-20-2025 IA Guthrie Cropland 71.41 $ 16,100 89
02-20-2025 IA Guthrie Cropland 78.00 $ 14,200 88.3
02-20-2025 IA Guthrie Cropland 80.00 $ 15,800 88.9
02-21-2025 IA Wright Cropland 77.84 $ 12,200 81.3
02-21-2025 IA Wright Cropland 88.23 $ 10,900 76.9
02-21-2025 IA Monona Cropland 158.00 $ 8,950 59.4
02-24-2025 IA Monona Bottomland 78.25 $ 5,425 55.5
02-24-2025 IA Monona Cropland 107.42 $ 14,000 84.4
02-24-2025 IA Monona Cropland/Site 111.94 $ 8,100 67.6
02-24-2025 IA Monona Cropland/Hay 94.70 $ 8,000 58.1
02-25-2025 IA Madison Cropland 80.00 $ 10,000 73.6
02-26-2025 IA Pottawattamie Cropland 140.39 $ 10,300 68.1
02-26-2025 MN Goodhue Cropland 39.10 $ 10,100 73.8
02-26-2025 MN Goodhue Rec 38.74 $ 10,100 75.6
02-26-2025 MN Goodhue Cropland 180.76 $ 10,100 90.6
02-26-2025 MN Goodhue Cropland 91.66 $ 10,100 76.7
02-27-2025 IA Wayne Cropland 198.98 $ 5,350 48.9