Peoples Company tracks agricultural auctions across the state of Iowa. From this data, we calculate the average dollar per CSR2 point ($/CSR2) for sales of tracts with greater than 85% tillable land. Additionally, these tracts are largely unimproved or include minimal improvement contribution.
2022 Quarter 4 Auction Data:
Tracts: 357
Acres: 34,039
Average $/Acre: 12,384
Average $/Tillable: $14,538
Average $/CSR2: $182
The latter half of the year is historically the busiest time for agricultural auctions. If you recall, Q4 2021 saw 595 tracts and over 62,000 acres sell. While Q4 2022 was a bit slower, there were still quite a few farms that sold. Iowa saw 357 tracts and 36,486 acres sell at auction. This volume of acres is down 41% from Q4 2021, but up 21% from Q3 2022. There were a few more tracts offered that did not sell at the auction, which are not included in our totals for Q4.
The $/CSR2 average was at $182, which is nearly equal to Q3’s average of $181, and up 7% from Q4 2021/s average of $170. The high dollar-per-acre sale of the quarter went to a Sioux County 73.19-acre cropland farm selling for $30,000 per acre or $314 per CSR2. The high dollar-per-CSR2 sale was a Lyon County 80-acre cropland farm, selling for $23,450 per acre or $356 per CSR2.
Click HERE to view the Land Auction Results for December 2022.
Below is the chart tracking the average dollar per CSR2 for the past five years.

Peoples Company is a leading provider of appraisal services for Agricultural Real Estate across the nation. Our appraisal team has the skill, experience, and resources to generate the most accurate valuations. Our proprietary database guarantees a level of financial integrity that your land deserves. Unlike most of our national competitors, Peoples Company’s appraisers are 100% dedicated to Agricultural Real Estate. Our agricultural experts regularly provide appraisal services to many of the largest lenders, private landowners, and institutional investors across the United States.
Peoples Company appraisers are involved in the Appraisal Institute and the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA) and adhere to the highest standards of the appraisal industry. Many of our appraisers have achieved the MAI and ARA designations.
Peoples Company is licensed to appraise land in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Please contact Peoples Company at Appraisal@PeoplesCompany.com or 855.800.LAND(8263) to inquire about appraisal services offered. You can also visit https://peoplescompany.com/ to view our full range of professional services.