
Whiteside County, IL
146.00 Acres M/L

Court Rd.
Fulton, IL 61252

Price $1,264,817
Listing #15705
Doug Yegge


Doug Yegge

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.320.9900

Alan McNeil


Alan McNeil

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.321.1125

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present this nice laying, high quality farm in Whiteside County, Illinois. Consisting of 146 acres with 139.69 FSA cropland acres with a high Productivity Index of 127.3. Predominent soil types are, Houghton muck, Elvers silt loam, Sawmill silt loam and Ambraw clay loam. The easement to the property makes the farm 100% tillable. A great tenant is available. The farm is well tiled and ready to go!

Legal Description

Part of the East 1/2 of Section 7, Township 21 North, Range 4 East of the 4th P.M., Whiteside Co., IL. Exact legal description to come from survey.


FSA Cropland Acres: 144.67
Effective DCP Cropland Acres: 139.69
Corn Base Acres:135.83 with a PLC Yield of 181
Soybean Base Acres: 2.6 with a PLC Yield of 45


From Morrison Illinois head West on Highway 30 for approximately 7 miles. Turn South on Millard Road and follow for 1.5 miles. Look for signage and turn West on Private drive and follow for 0.5 mile to the farm.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • General Area: Fulton, IL
  • Gross Taxes: $5,183.92
  • Zoning: ag

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: land-whiteside-county-illinois-146-acres-listing-number-15705-1-2021-08-27-180458.JPG Listing Photo: land-whiteside-county-illinois-146-acres-listing-number-15705-3-2021-08-27-180502.JPG Listing Photo: land-whiteside-county-illinois-146-acres-listing-number-15705-2-2021-08-27-180500.JPG Listing Photo: land-whiteside-county-illinois-146-acres-listing-number-15705-0-2021-08-27-180420.JPG Listing Photo: land-whiteside-county-illinois-146-acres-listing-number-15705-0-2021-08-27-180457.JPG