Riverside County, CA
257.43 Acres M/L

Hayes St. at 64th Ave
Mecca, CA 92254

Price $6,560,000
Listing #15879
Curtis Buono


Curtis Buono

Office: 559.944.9524
Mobile: 760.521.2501

Property Info


Wheeler Ranch’s high elevation makes it an excellent early location in the Coachella Valley. Previously operated as a table grape vineyard for many years, the old vines have been removed and the property is available for new commodities. The Coachella Valley Water District provides an affordable and reliable source of irrigation water and the property’s irrigation infrastructure includes one reservoir, a filter station, and a solar array to power the pumps. Sale would be subject to a lot line adjustment prior to close of escrow.


• Early location over 200 feet above the Salton Sea
• Reservoir with filter station powered by on-site solar array
• Available for new plantings
• Additional information in Offering Memorandum

  • Parcel Number: 727-231-(008, 009), 727-232-009
  • Water: CVWD
  • Zoning: W2

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