Riverside County, CA
162.43 Acres M/L

Highway 111 SE of Cleveland St.
Mecca, CA 92254

Price $3,650,000
Listing #15586
Curtis Buono


Curtis Buono

Office: 559.944.9524
Mobile: 760.521.2501

Property Info


Historically a citrus and table grape ranch, Beach Ranch has been converted to vegetable production in recent years. With excellent regional access via Highway 111, C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) zoning along the northern boundary, and a location between vegetable, grape, citrus, and date farms, this tract offers growers many options for future use. Ample water is available through CVWD and the farm has one reservoir covering approximately 2.0 acres and also has a filter station. Property is leased to a local vegetable grower.



  • Fertile farmland in an area conducive to all major Coachella Valley crops
  • Reliable, affordable Coachella Valley Water District irrigation water
  • Excellent location with convenient highway access and sea frontage
  • Future optionality enhanced by C-P-S zoning
  • APN: 725-100-(007, 011, 012); 725-110-(003, 006, 007)
  • Additional information in Offering Memorandum
  • Water: CVWD
  • Zoning: C-P-W & W-2

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Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-162.43-acres-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-162.43-acres-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-162.43-acres-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-162.43-acres-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-162.43-acres-Farmland-Sale