Poweshiek County, IA
34.87 Acres M/L
480th Avenue/215th Street
Deep River, IA 52222
Price | $295,000 |
Listing | #17562 |

Riley Sieren
Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 319.591.0111
Property Info
Peoples Company is pleased to present 34.87 acres m/l located just north of Deep River, IA. This property is a recreational paradise consisting of 24.47 acres m/l enrolled into CRP with an annual payment of $5,964. Containing a mix of native grasses allows abundant wildlife to use this property as a travel corridor, including whitetail deer and plenty of pheasants. Located only a half mile from pavement this property has an excellent ridge top for a future building site overlooking the rolling hills of Poweshiek County. Whether you are looking for that perfect place to call home, a secluded weekend getaway, or a year-round recreational property, this may be the one that you've been searching for. The farm consists of 28.58 cropland acres carrying a CSR2 rating of 43.1. The property has been in the Schlesselman family for nearly 90 years.
CRP Info: There are currently 24.47 acres m/l enrolled into CRP with an annual payment of $5,964. The contracts consist of 2.18 acres m/l enrolled into a CP21 contract expiring September 2027 and 22.29 acres m/l enrolled into a CP25 contract expiring September 2027.
This property has not been offered for sale in nearly 90 years.
This property has not been offered for sale in nearly 90 years.
Legal Description
Exact legal description to be taken from abstract.
From Interstate 80 take Exit 201 for Deep River, IA. Turn south onto Highway 21 and travel for approximately 6.5 miles. Turn west onto 480th Avenue and travel for a half mile. The property will be located on the south side of 480th Avenue. Look for signs.
From Deep River, IA travel east out of town on Highway 85. Turn north at the intersection of Highway 21 and travel for approximately 1.75 miles. Turn west onto 480th Avenue and travel for a half mile. The property will be located on the south side of 480th Avenue. Look for signs.
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 694509
- Parcel Number: 3645000
- School District: Montezuma Community School District
- General Area: Deep River
- Net Taxes: $632.00
- Zoning: Agriculture
Interactive Map
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