Lancaster County, NE
80.31 Acres M/L

NW 112th Street & West Little Salt Road
Raymond, NE 68428

Price $725,000
Listing #17852
Nic Smith


Nic Smith

Office: 402.334.0256
Mobile: 402.334.0256

Sean Kelly


Sean Kelly

Office: 402.334.0256
Mobile: 531.250.7800

Property Info


Lancaster County, Nebraska Farmland Available - Peoples Company is pleased to present 80.31 m/l gross acres of highly tillable farmland located in the northwest corner of Lancaster County, Nebraska, near the Branched Oak State Recreation Area. This property features 76.66 FSA tillable acres with an NCCPI rating of 60.7. The primary soil types include Yutan silty clay loam, Aksarben silty clay loam, and Wymore silty clay loam, with the remaining acreage consisting of grassed waterways.  

The farm is located in Section 9 in West Oak Township, Lancaster County, Nebraska. If you are in the market for highly tillable farmland in northeast Nebraska, look no further than here. This farm would make for an outstanding add-on to an existing farming operation or a smart investment for the Buyer looking to diversify their portfolio.

Legal Description

80.31 gross acres m/l located in Section Nine (9), Township Twelve (12), Range Five (5) East of the 6th P.M., Lancaster County, Nebraska. Exact legal description to be taken from Title Commitment.


 From Valparaiso, NE:  Travel south out of town on County Rd 28 for roughly 2 1/2 miles turn right (west) on W Ashland Rd, and continue for 1 mile. Turn left (south) on NW 98th St and continue south for 1 mile. Turn right (west) and continue for a 1/2 mil. Thee farm is located on the south side of the road. Look for the Peoples Company signs. 
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 06-09-100-003-000
  • School District: Raymond
  • General Area: Northwest of Lincoln, Nebraska; Northwest of Raymond, Nebraska; South of Valparaiso, Nebraska
  • Net Taxes: $3,187.20
  • Soil Productivity: 60.7
  • Zoning: Agricultural

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