
Jefferson County, IA
157.65 Acres M/L

Buckeye Avenue
Batavia, IA 52533

Price $1,103,550
Listing #17546
Riley Sieren


Riley Sieren

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 319.591.0111

Steve Bruere


Steve Bruere

Office: 515.222.1347

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to represent 157.65 acres m/l located in Jefferson County, IA just north of Batavia, IA. The property consists of an estimated 117.88 tillable acres currently in row crop production carrying a CSR2 rating of 64.3. The primary soil type includes Pershing silty loams. There are another 4.43 acres m/l enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program. The CP21 contract is paying an annual payment of $1,329. This contract was just re-enrolled and expires in 2033. The farm is leased for the 2024 cropping season. The property is situated in section 21 of Locust Grove Township Jefferson County, Iowa.

Extensive tile and terrace work on this farm has elevated its productivity & farmability, making it a top performer. Situated alongside Cedar Creek, the north and east boundaries feature a high stem count, creating natural wildlife trails beaten down like a highway. With no prior hunting history, while walking the farm we revealed an impressive whitetail as seen in the photos below. 

* There is an access easement for farm equipment to use the driveway on the south end of the property.

Legal Description

Exact Legal Description to be taken from the Abstract.


From U.S Highway 34 take exit 203 at Batavia, IA, and travel north on Ash Avenue for 1 mile. Turn east onto 203rd Street and travel for approximately 1 mile. Turn north onto Buckeye Avenue and travel for approximately 1/4 mile. Property will be located on the East side of the road. Look for signs.
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 693694
  • Parcel Number: 0520400003, 0520400004, 0521300005, 0521300004, 0521300006
  • School District: Fairfield Community School District
  • General Area: Batavia, IA
  • Net Taxes: $3,484.00
  • CSR2: 64.30
  • Zoning: Agriculture

Interactive Map

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