Hughes County, SD
1624.00 Acres M/L
Highway 34
Pierre, SD 57501
Price | $8,200,000 |
Listing | #14975 |

Property Info
- General Area: East of Pierre, South Dakota
- Gross Taxes: $27,238.28
- Zoning: Agricultural
Additional Info
FSA Cropland Acres: 1,550.78
Wheat Base: 75.02 Acres with a PLC Yield of 30
Corn Base: 588.45 Acres with a PLC Yield of 134
Grain Sorghum Base: 24.90 Acres with a PLC Yield of 66
Soybeans Base: 357.75 Acres with a PLC Yield of 35
Canola Base: 17.98 Acres with a PLC Yield of 865
A breakdown of the FSA information can be found in the marketing brochure or online at
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