Dallas County, IA
265.77 Acres M/L

Old Highway 6 & 310th Trail
Redfield, IA 50233

Price $4,385,205
Listing #17185
Steve Bruere


Steve Bruere

Office: 515.222.1347

Jaxon Goedken


Jaxon Goedken

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 319.283.0084

Property Info


Peoples Company is proud to present a unique opportunity to acquire a high-quality tillable farm near Redfield in Dallas County, Iowa. The farm is located in Section 3 of Union Township in a strong farming area. The farm is located east of Redfield, Iowa on paved Old Highway 6 and gravel 310th Trail and consists of 265.77 acres m/l with approximately 245.24 tillable acres carrying an excellent CSR2 of 87.3. Primary soil types on the tillable acres include high-producing Clarion loam and Webster clay loam. 

There are multiple areas of the farm seeded down to waterways to prevent soil erosion and allow surface water to exit the farm through one of the multiple outlets located throughout. There is an existing drainage tile in the southeast corner of the farm. The farm will be open for the 2024 growing season and full possession will be given at closing.

The location of the farm makes it an ideal candidate to be rezoned to a higher and better use. The farm has direct access to Interstate 80 from Old Highway 6, being 4.5 miles directly north of the Exit 100 on-ramp to Interstate 80. This farm is located within the West Central Valley School District, only 10 minutes west of Adel, Iowa, and less than 20 minutes west of Waukee, Iowa. Contact the listing agent for more details.

Legal Description

Part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter, part of the Southwest Quarter, part of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Three (3), Township Seventy-eight (78) North, Range Twenty-nine (29) West of the 5th P.M. in Dallas County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract. 


From Waukee, Iowa: Head west on Highway 6 for 17 miles as the highway bends and heads south. Turn left and head back east on 310th Trail. Travel east on 310th Trail for .75 miles and the farm will be on the north side of the road.
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 1303100008, 1303100009, 1303100016, 1303100017, 1303200007, 1303200027, 1303200018, 1303200028
  • School District: West Central Valley School District
  • General Area: Southeast of Redfield, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $6,482.00
  • CSR2: 87.30
  • Zoning: Agriculture

Additional Info

The seller may consider splits of the property. See the attached 'Potential Tract Split' map and contact the agent for more details.

The irrigation pivot on this tract will be removed by the Seller prior to Closing.

*A principal of the selling LLC is a licensed real estate agent in the State of Iowa. 

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