Upcoming Auction

Greene County, IA
534.00 Acres M/L

Churdan, IA 50050

Price Click to Bid Online
Listing #18132
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Steve Bruere


Steve Bruere

Office: 515.222.1347

Property Info


Greene County, Iowa Farmland Auction - Mark your calendar for Thursday, April 3rd, 2025 at 10 AM! Peoples Company is pleased to represent the Coleen M. Janssen Estate in the sale of 534 acres m/l of high-quality Greene County, Iowa farmland. The portfolio consists of eight excellent Iowa farmland/building site tracts located 3 miles west of Churdan, Iowa that will be offered at a public auction on April 3rd, 2025. The individual tract sizes range from 3 acres to 139.70 acres with CSR2 soil ratings between 68.2 and 87.5. These tracts are located in Sections 15, 22, and 23 of Cedar Township, Greene County, Iowa.

Tract 1: 80 acres m/l with an estimated 74.83 FSA NHEL cropland acres and a CSR2 soil rating of 87.5
Tract 2: 120 acres m/l with an estimated 117.43 FSA NHEL cropland acres and a CSR2 soil rating of 82.3
Tract 3: 77 acres m/l (subject to survey) with an estimated 73.36 FSA NHEL cropland acres and a CSR2 soil rating of 86.1
Tract 4: 63.20 acres m/l (subject to survey) with 59.80 FSA HEL cropland acres and a CSR2 soil rating of 82.2
Tract 5: 139.70 acres m/l (subject to survey) with 92 acres currently enrolled in CRP and a CSR2 soil rating of 79
Tract 6: 27.80 acres m/l (subject to survey) with 13.60 acres currently enrolled in CRP and a CSR2 soil rating of 68.2
Tract 7: 23.30 acres m/l (subject to survey) with 3 acres currently enrolled in CRP and a CSR2 soil rating of 77.9
Tract 8: 3 acres m/l (subject to survey) featuring a single-family home and out buildings

County Drainage tile is located on Tracts 1, 2, and 3. These tracts lie at the very top of Drainage District 121 with water flowing south off the farm and outletting into an open ditch 2.5 miles south in Section 34 of Cedar Township. See the individual tracts for more information.

The farmland is currently leased for the 2025 growing season under a crop-share lease. A rent credit per current tillable acre will be given by the Seller to the Buyer(s) at Closing. In addition, all CRP income will be prorated to the date of Closing by the Greene County FSA Office. Please see the individual tract descriptions for the estimated rent credit amounts.

These tracts offer a variety of uses including highly productive cropland acres, established recreational ground, excellent building site opportunities, and an existing acreage site. The land has been held within the family for decades - don't miss this opportunity to own a unique piece of Greene County, Iowa land that hasn't been available to the public for over 50 years!

Tracts 1-7 will be offered on a price-per-acre basis using the "Buyer's Choice" Auction Method, where the high bidder can take, in any order, any or all tracts for their high bid. Tract 8 will be offered on a 'Whole Dollar Basis' after tracts 1-7 have sold. The Public Auction will be held on Thursday, April 3rd, 2025, at 10:00 AM CST at the Churdan Community Room, 410 Sand Street, Churdan, Iowa 50050. The sale can also be viewed through a Virtual Online Auction option and online bidding will be available. 
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 712458
  • School District: Paton Churdan Community School District
  • General Area: West of Churdan, Iowa
  • Gross Taxes: $19,314.80
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

Use the Interactive Map to explore the property's regional location. Zoom in and out to see the property's surroundings and toggle various mapping layers on and off in the Map Layer Menu.


Tract 1 - County Highway E19 & F Avenue, Churdan, IA 50050

Tract 1


Tract 1 includes 80 acres m/l with an estimated 74.83 FSA tillable acres and a CSR2 soil rating of 87.5, well above the Greene County, Iowa average CSR2 soil rating of 78.3. Of the cropland acres, 74.25 are currently farmed with the balance being a grass buffer strip. The primary soil types include Nicollet clay loam, Clarion loam, and Webster clay loam. The farmland is classified as Non-Highly Erodible Land (NHEL).

Tract 1 adjoins Tract 2 and they have previously been farmed together. Access is from the east off F Avenue. There are 10" County drainage tile lines located on the western half of the tract with water flowing south off the farm, as well as three tile intakes, see the 'Tile Map' for more details and approximate locations. 

The farm is leased for the 2025 growing season and an estimated rent credit of $22,275 ($300/cropland acre) will be given at closing, contact the listing agent for more information.

Legal Description

The South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S1/2 SE1/4) Of Section 23, Township 85 North, Range 32 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


  • Acres: 80.00 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: 0123400003, 0123400004
  • Net Taxes: $3,075.00
  • CSR2: 87.50


From Churdan, Iowa: Head west on County Highway E19 / 140th Street for 2.5 miles. The farm will be northwest of the County Highway E19 / 140th Street & F Avenue intersection, look for Peoples Company signage.

Tract 2 - 02 County Highway E19 / 140th Street, Churdan, IA 50050

Tract 2


Tract 2 consists of 120 acres m/l with 117.43 FSA NHEL cropland acres and a CSR2 soil rating of 82.3, above the Greene County, Iowa average CSR2 soil rating of 78.3. Primary soil types include Canisteo clay loam, Nicollet clay loam, and Clarion loam. 

Tract 2 adjoins both Tract 1 and Tract 3 and has been previously farmed with both tracts. Access is from the south off County Highway E19 / 140th Street. County drainage tile lines are located on the property ranging in size from 6" to 10" draining water east and south off the farm. There are five tile intakes on the farm, see the 'Tile Map' for more information and approximate locations.

The farm is leased for the 2025 growing season and an estimated rent credit of $35,229 ($300/cropland acre) will be given at closing, contact the listing agent for more information.

Legal Description

The East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E1/2 SW1/4) AND the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE1/4 NW1/4) of Section 23, Township 85 North, Range 32 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


  • Acres: 120.00 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: 0123300004, 0123300003, 0123100005, 0123100006
  • Net Taxes: $4,490.00
  • CSR2: 82.30


From Churdan, Iowa: Head west on County Highway E19 / 140t Street for 2.75 miles. The farm will be on the right hand (north) side of the road. Look for Peoples Company signage.

Tract 3 - 03 County Highway E19 & E Avenue, Churdan, IA 50050

Tract 3


Tract 3 consists of 77 acres m/l (to be surveyed) with an estimated 73.36 FSA NHEL cropland acres. Of the FSA cropland acres, there are 56.34 acres currently being farmed with primary soil types consisting of Nicollet clay loam, Clarion loam, and Canisteo clay loam. 6.42 acres are currently being utilized as pasture ground and the remaining 10.60 acres are enrolled the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The pasture acres contain productive soil types and an excellent underlying CSR2 rating 88.2 and could present an opportunity to expand the tillable acres of this tract in the future, see attached pasture soils map.

CRP Contract Details:
Contract #11287B - 10.60 Acres enrolled in the Farmable Wetland Program (CP27 & 28) with an annual payment of $3,686 ($348 per acre). This contract is set to expire Sept. 2026 and the seller has signed paperwork to continue the CRP practice beyond 2026.

This tract can be accessed from the west off of E Avenue. County drainage tile lines are located on the property and there is one tile intake, see the 'Tile Map' for more details and approximate locations. Additionally, a metal cattle shed built in 1945 measuring 24' x 36' and a grain bin built in 1980 with an approximate 11,800 Bushel capacity are included on the tract.

The farm is leased for the 2025 growing season and an estimated rent credit of $16,902 ($300/cropland acre) will be given at closing, contact the listing agent for more information.

Legal Description

Part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W1/2 SW 1/4) of Section 23, Township 85 North, Range 32 West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract. 


  • Acres: 77.00 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: 0123300002, Portion of 0123300001
  • Net Taxes: $2,960.00
  • CSR2: 86.10


From Churdan, Iowa: Head west on County Highway E19 / 140th Street for 3 miles. The farm will be northeast of the County Highway E19 /140th Street & E Avenue intersection. Look for Peoples Company signage.

Tract 4 - 04 130th Street & E Avenue, Churdan, IA 50050

Tract 4


Tract 4 consists of 63.20 acres m/l (to be surveyed) with 59.80 FSA cropland acres and a CSR2 soil rating of 82.2. Of the cropland acres, there are 1.28 acres certified as grass that make up a waterway. Primary soil types include Webster clay loam, Nicollet clay loam, and Clarion loam. The farmland is certified as Highly Erodible Land (HEL). 

Additionally, there are three grass buffer strips that each have a tile intake, see the attached 'Tile Intake Map' for approximate locations. Tract 4 adjoins Tract 5 and 6, and there is an existing fence line between Tracts 4 and 5. Access is from the north off 125th Street and from the east off E Avenue. 

The farm is leased for the 2025 growing season and an estimated rent credit of $16,093 ($275/cropland acre) will be given at closing, contact the listing agent for more information.

Legal Description

Part of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N1/2 NE1/4) of Section 22, Township 85 North, Range 32 West of the 5th P.M, Greene County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract. 


  • Acres: 63.20 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: 0122200002, Portion of 0122200001
  • Net Taxes: $1,938.00
  • CSR2: 82.20


From Churdan, Iowa: Head west on County Highway E19 / 140th Street for 3 miles. Turn right (north) onto E Avenue for 1 mile. The farm will be on the left hand (west) side of the road. Look for Peoples Company signage.

Tract 5 - 05 E Avenue, Churdan, IA 50050

Tract 5


Tract 5 consists of 139.70 acres m/l (to be surveyed) with 92 FSA cropland acres that are all currently enrolled in CRP, see the attached 'CRP Map'. Prominent soil types include Clarion loam and Nicollet clay loam with a CSR2 soil rating of 79. The cropland acres are certified as Highly Erodible Land (HEL) and the balance of the tract is recreational acres. 

CRP Contract Details:
Contract #11380B - 2.10 Acres enrolled in the Pollinator Habitat Program (CP42) with an annual payment of $601 ($286 per acre). This contract is set to expire in Sept. 2026 and the seller has signed paperwork to continue the CRP practice beyond 2026.
Contract #11976B - 9.00 Acres enrolled in the Pollinator Habitat Program (CP42) with an annual payment of $2,238 ($249 per acre). This contract is set to expire in Sept. 2032.
Contract #11975B - 80.90 Acres enrolled in the Iowa Prairie Restoration program (CP38E-25) with an annual payment of $23,771 ($294 per acre). This contract is set to expire in Sept. 2032.

A small creek runs through the tract, and there is a cement crossing in place to access the western side. Road access is from the east off E Avenue. The CRP contracts will be prorated to closing, contact the listing agent for more information.

Legal Description

Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract. 


  • Acres: 139.70 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: 0122200004, 0122200003, 0122100007, Portion of 012200001
  • Net Taxes: $4,283.00
  • CSR2: 79.00


From Churdan, Iowa: Head west on County Highway E19 / 140th Street for 3 miles. Turn right (north) onto E Avenue for 1/2 a mile. The farm will be on the left hand (west) side of the road. Look for Peoples Company signage.

Tract 6 - 06 125th Street, Churdan, IA 50050

Tract 6


Tract 6 consists of 27.80 acres m/l (to be surveyed) with 13.60 FSA cropland acres currently enrolled in CRP, see the 'CRP Map'. The underlying soils have a CSR2 soil rating of 68.2  with Lester loam and Moingona loam as the primary soil types. The cropland acres are certified as Highly Erodible Land (HEL). The balance of the tract consists of recreational acres.

CRP Contract Details:
Contract #11380B - 13.60 Acres enrolled in the Pollinator Habitat program (CP42) with an annual payment of $3,895 ($286 per acre). This contract is set to expire in Sept. 2026 and the seller has signed paperwork to continue the CRP practice beyond 2026.

Access is from 125th Street. This tract would make for a great building site with recreational acres and access to the North Raccoon River. Alliant Energy is the energy provider for the area. There is no rural water provider - a well will need to be dug to provide water. 

Legal Description

Exact legal to be taken from the Abstract.


  • Acres: 27.80 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: 0115300013, Portion of 0115300012, Portion of 0122100002
  • Net Taxes: $618.00
  • CSR2: 68.20


From Churdan, Iowa: Head west on County Highway E19 / 140th Street for 3 miles. Turn right (north) onto E Avenue for 1 mile. Turn left (west) onto 130th Street / 125th Street for half a mile. The farm will be on the left (south)side of the road, look for Peoples Company signage.

Tract 7 - 07 125th Street, Churdan, IA 50050

Tract 7


Tract 7 consists of 23.30 acres m/l (to be surveyed) with 3 FSA NHEL cropland acres that are currently enrolled in CRP, see the 'CRP Map'. The CSR2 soil rating for the CRP acres is 77.9 with prominent soil types of Clarion loam and Lester loam with the balance of the tract in recreational acres.

CRP Contract Details:
Contract #11380B - 3.00 Acres enrolled in the Pollinator Habitat program (CP42) with an annual payment of $860 ($286 per acre). This contract is set to expire in Sept. 2026 and the seller has signed paperwork to continue the CRP practice beyond 2026.

Access is from 125th Street. This tract would make for a great building site with recreational acres and access to the North Raccoon River. Alliant Energy is the energy provider for the area. There is no rural water provider - a well will need to be dug to provide water.

Legal Description

Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract. 


  • Acres: 23.30 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: 0115300011, Portion of 0115300012, Portion of 0115300013
  • Net Taxes: $518.00
  • CSR2: 77.90


From Churdan, Iowa: Head west on County Highway E19 / 140th Street for 3 miles. Turn right (north) onto E Avenue for 1 mile. Turn left (west) onto 130th Street / 125th Street for half a mile. The farm will be on the right (north) side of the road, look for Peoples Company signage. 

Tract 8 - 457 E Avenue, Churdan, IA 50050

Tract 8


Tract 8 consists of 3 acres m/l (to be surveyed) and contains an older farm site with a home and several outbuildings. The dwelling was built in 1901 with approximately 1,159 square feet and contains 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. The dwelling will be sold in as-in condition and all viewings of the dwelling will be by appointment only. Please contact the listing agent for more details.
The farm site also includes several outbuildings in varying conditions.

Buildings Included:
Government Grain Bins (3) - built in 1994, 3,600 BU capacity each
Quonset - built in 1963, 2,400 SF (40' x 60')
Barn - built in 1934, 600 SF (30' x 20')
Barn - built in 1930, 576 SF (24' x 24')
Barn - built in 1947, 1,728 SF (36' x 48')
Machine Shed - built in 1945, 1,152 SF (24' x 48')

Water on the tract is provided by an established well, and Alliant Energy is the energy provider for the area. Liquid Propane tanks are located on the property to provide gas.

Reserved Items:
The grain wagons located in the Quonset shed and the barn are the property of the tenant's. The wagons will be removed prior to closing.

Legal Description

Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract. 


  • Acres: 3.00 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: Portion of 0123300001
  • Net Taxes: $1,432.00


From Churdan, Iowa: Head west on County Highway E19 / 140th Street for 3 miles. Turn right (north) onto E Avenue for 1/2 a mile. The tract will be on the right hand (east) side of the road. Look for Peoples Company signage. 

Bid Now

Auction Details & Terms

Coleen M. Janssen Estate Farmland Auction
534 Acres M/L
Offered in Eight Tracts
Thursday, April 3rd, 2025 @ 10:00 AM CST

Seller: Coleen M. Janssen Estate

Representing Attorney: Michael F. Mumma | Mumma & Pedersen Law Firm

Auction Location:
Churdan Community Room
410 Sand Street
Churdan, IA 50050

Tract 1: 80 Acres M/L  
Tract 2:
120 Acres M/L  
Tract 3: 77
Acres M/L (Subject to Survey)  
Tract 4:
63.20 Acres M/L (Subject to Survey
Tract 5:
139.70 Acres M/L (Subject to Survey)
Tract 6:
27.80 Acres M/L (Subject to Survey)
Tract 7:
23.30 Acres M/L (Subject to Survey)
Tract 8:
3 Acres M/L (Subject to Survey)

Online Bidding: Register to bid at http://peoplescompany.bidwrangler.com/. Potential bidders may have access to the live auction by utilizing Peoples Company's online auction platform via the Internet. By using Peoples Company's online auction platform, bidders acknowledge that the Internet is known to be unpredictable in performance and may, from time to time, impede access, become inoperative, or provide a slow connection to the online auction platform. Bidders agree that Peoples Company nor its affiliates, members, officers, shareholders, agents, or contractors are, in any way, responsible for any interference or connectivity issues the bidder may experience when utilizing the online auction platform.

Auction Method: Tracts 1-7 will be offered individually on a price-per-acre basis using the "Buyer's Choice Auction" method. Tract 8 will be offered on a "Whole Dollar Basis" after Tracts 1-7 are sold. Tracts will not be offered in their entirety after the auction. This auction can also be viewed through a Virtual Online Auction option and online bidding will be available.

Bidder Registration: All prospective bidders must register with Peoples Company and receive a bidder number to bid at the auction. Peoples Company and its representatives are agents of the Seller. Winning bidder(s) acknowledge they are representing themselves in completing the auction sales transaction.

Agency: Peoples Company and its representatives are agents of the Seller. Winning Bidder(s) acknowledge they are representing themselves in completing the auction sales transaction.

Farm Program Information: Farm Program Information is provided by the Greene County Farm Service Agency. The figures stated in the marketing material are the best estimates of the Seller and Peoples Company; however, Farm Program Information, base acres, total crop acres, conservation plan, etc. are subject to change when the farm is reconstituted by the Greene County FSA and NRCS offices. 

Earnest Money Payment: Tracts 1-7 will require a 10% earnest money payment on the day of the auction. Tract 8 will require a $10,000 earnest money payment. The earnest money payments may be paid in the form of check or wire transfer. All funds will be held in the Peoples Company Trust Account.

Closing: Closing will occur on or before Tuesday, May 20th, 2025. The balance of the purchase price will be payable at closing in the form of guaranteed check or wire transfer.

Possession: Possession of the land will be given at closing, subject to tenant's rights.

Farm Lease: The farm is leased for the 2025 growing season and a rent credit will be given at closing from the Seller to Buyer. Please see individual tracts for specific rent credit amounts and details.

CRP Contracts & Payments: Tracts 3,5,6 and 7 are subject to Conservation Reserve Program contracts. Seller and any other participants listed in the contracts will assign the CRP contracts to the Buyer(s) as of the Closing Date and Buyer(s) shall assume all obligations of the CRP contracts.  

Contract & Title: Immediately upon the conclusion of the auction, the high bidder(s) will enter into a real estate sales contract and deposit the required earnest money payment into the Peoples Company Trust Account. The Seller will provide a current abstract at their expense. The sale is not contingent upon Buyer financing.

Financing: The purchaser’s obligation to purchase the Property is unconditional and is not contingent upon the Purchaser obtaining financing. Any financial arrangements are to have been made before bidding at the auction. By the mere act of bidding, the bidder makes a representation and warrants that the bidder has the present ability to pay the bid price and fulfill the terms and conditions provided in the Contract.

Septic System: Per Iowa Code 445B, the Seller is exempt from the Septic System Inspection Requirement and the septic system servicing the dwelling on Tract 8 is in as-is condition and no inspections, updates, or improvements will be made by the Seller.

Fences: Existing fences, if any, are in as-is condition and will not be updated or replaced by the Seller. Not all tract and boundary lines are fenced and if needed, will be the responsibility of the Buyer at closing. Existing fence lines may not fall directly on the legal boundary.

Surveys: A survey will be provided for Tracts 3-8. No additional surveying or staking will be provided by the Seller.

Other: This sale is subject to all easements, covenants, leases, and restrictions of record. All property will be sold on an “As is – Where is” basis with no warranties, expressed or implied, made by the Auctioneer, Peoples Company, or Seller. Peoples Company and its representatives are agents of the Seller. The winning bidder acknowledges that they are representing themselves in completing the auction sales transaction. Any announcements made on auction day by the Auctioneer or Listing Agents will take precedence over all previous marketing material or oral statements. Bidding increments are at the sole discretion of the Auctioneer. No absentee or phone bids will be accepted at the auction without prior approval of the Auctioneer. All decisions of the Auctioneer are final.

Disclaimer: All field boundaries are presumed to be accurate according to the best available information and knowledge of the Seller and Peoples Company. Overall tract acres, tillable acres, etc. may vary from figures stated within the marketing material. Buyer should perform his/her investigation of the property before bidding at the auction. The brief legal descriptions in the marketing material should not be used in legal documents. Full legal descriptions will be taken from the Abstract. 


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