
Emmet County, IA
400.00 Acres M/L

4811 Highway 9
Estherville, IA 51334

Price Click to Bid Online
Listing #14272
Andrew Zellmer, ALC


Andrew Zellmer, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 712.898.5913

Property Info


Offering 400 acres m/l of highly productive Emmet County farmland for sale via public auction. The land will be sold in three tracts using the "Buyers Choice" auction method. The tracts contain 378.11 FSA cropland acres with high quality soil types. Don't miss your opportunity to acquire one tract or a whole portfolio of quality farms in a strong area. The three farms are situated in sections 16, 20, and 27 of Swan Lake Township.

Legal Description

Scroll down to view legal descriptions for each individual tract


Scroll down to view farm details for each individual tract


Scroll down to view directions for each individual tract

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number:
  • School District: North Union
  • General Area: Armstrong
  • Net Taxes: $10,114.00
  • CSR: 0
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

Use the Interactive Map to explore the property's regional location. Zoom in and out to see the property's surroundings and toggle various mapping layers on and off in the Map Layer Menu.


Click the "play" button below to watch an aerial drone video of this property.


Tract 1 - Iowa Highway 9, Estherville, IA 51334

Tract 1


Tract 1 will be offered as 160 acres m/l. This tract consists of 149.65 FSA cropland acres carrying a CSR2 of 81.5. Primary soil types on the tillable acres include Canisito, Clarion, Crippin, and Webster loams. The farm has extensive county tile (see Tile Maps in Attachments Section). The farm is located West of Armstrong on Iowa Highway 9 and in Section 16 of Swan Lake Township.

Legal Description

The NW 1/4 of Section 16, Township 99 North, Range 32 West of the 5th PM, Emmet County, Iowa. Brief legal descriptions should not be used in legal documents. Exact legal description to be taken from abstract.


  • Acres: 160.00 Acres M/L
  • Net Taxes: $3,810.00
  • CSR2: 81.00


From Armstrong, Iowa travel west on Highway 9 for approximately 7.8 miles. The property will be located on the south side of Highway 9. Look for signs.

Tract 2 - 470th Avenue, Estherville, IA 51334

Tract 2


Tract 2 will be offered as 80 acres m/l. This tract is nearly 100% tillable consisting of 79.7 FSA cropland acres carrying a CSR2 of 81.5. Primary soil types on the tillable acres include Caniseto, Nicollet, and Clarion loams. There are two county tile lines that enter the east end of the farm (see Tile Map in the Attachments Section). Tract 2 is located in Section 20 of Swan Lake Township.

Legal Description

The S 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 20, Township 99 North, Range 32 West of the 5th PM, Emmet County, Iowa. Brief legal descriptions should not be used in legal documents. Exact legal description to be taken from abstract.


  • Acres: 80.00 Acres M/L
  • Net Taxes: $2,046.00
  • CSR2: 81.00


From Armstrong, Iowa travel west on Highway 9 for approximately 9 miles. Turn left (south) onto 470th Avenue. Travel south on 470th Avenue approximately 1.3 miles the property is located on the east side of the road. Look for signs.

Tract 3 - 4943 200th Street, Ringsted, IA 50578

Tract 3


Tract 3 will be offered as 160 acres m/l. This tract consists of 148.76 FSA cropland acres with a CSR2 of 83.3. This farm recently had 34.5 acres converted from CRP to tillable that will be planted to cover crops for the remainder of the 2018 crop year. In 2019 these acres will be ready to farm. Of the 34.5 acres that were converted, 29.1 acres are Prior Convernted Non Wetlands and 5.4 acres are Farmable Wetlands. Primary soil types on the tillable acres include Nicollett, Caniseto and Clarion loams. The tract also has two utility buildings and four grain bins. The farm is located in Section 27 of Swan Lake Township.

Legal Description

The SW 1/4 of Section 27, Township 99 North, Range 32 West of the 5th PM, Emmet County, Iowa. Brief legal descriptions should not be used in legal documents. Exact legal description to be taken from abstract.


  • Acres: 160.00 Acres M/L
  • Net Taxes: $4,074.00
  • CSR2: 83.00


From Armstrong, Iowa travel west on Highway 9 for approximately 6 miles. Turn left (south) on County Highway N-52 for aproximately 2.6 miles. The property is located on the east side of the road. Farm is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of County Highway N-52 and 200th Street. Look for signs.

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Auction Details & Terms

Auction Location Map

Emmet County Land Auction
400 Acres M/L

Wednesday, September 19th, 2018
10:00 A.M.

Armstrong Community Center
519 6th Street Armstrong, IA 50514

Auction Method: Tracts 1, 2 and 3 will be sold on a price per acre basis and will be offered through the marketing method of "Buyer's Choice", whereas the high bidder can take, in any order, any or all tracts for their high bid.  "Buyer's Choice" auctioning will continue until all 3 tracts have been purchased. Tracts will not be offered in their entirety at the conclusion of the auction.

Earnest Money Payment: A 10% earnest money payment is required on the day of the auction for each tract. The earnest money payment may be paid in the form of cash or good check.  All funds will be held in Peoples Company’s Trust Account.

Closing: Closing will occur on or about November 5th, 2018. The balance of the purchase price will be payable at closing in the form of cash, certified check, or wire transfer. 

Possession: Possession of the farm will be granted at closing, subject to Tenant's rights.

Farm Lease: The current farm lease has been terminated. The farm is open for the 2019 crop year.  

Contract & Title: Immediately upon conclusion of the auction, the high bidder will enter into a real estate sales contract and deposit with Peoples Company the required earnest money payment. The Seller will provide a current abstract at their expense. Sale is not contingent upon Buyer financing..

Bidder Registration: All prospective bidders must register with Peoples Company and receive a bidder number in order to bid at the auction. No absentee or phone bids will be accepted at the auction without the prior approval of the Auctioneer.     

Agency Representation: Peoples Company and its representatives are agents of the Seller. Winning bidder(s) acknowledge they are representing themselves by participating in and completing the auction sales transaction.

Farm Program Information: Farm Program Information is provided by the Emmet County Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) offices. The figures stated in the marketing material are estimates of the Seller and Peoples Company; however, the Farm Program Information, base acres, crop acres, conservation plan, etc. are subject to change when the farms are reconstituted by the Emmet County FSA and NRCS offices.

Mineral Rights: All mineral rights, if any, will be transferred to the Buyer(s).

Financing: The sale of the property is not contingent upon Buyer obtaining financing. All financing  arrangements are to have been made prior to bidding at the auction. By bidding, the bidder makes a representation that he/she has the present ability to perform at the bid price and will fulfill all obligations within the Real Estate Sale and Purchase Agreement. 

Real Estate Taxes: The real estate taxes will be prorated between the Seller and Buyer(s) to the date of closing.

Disclaimer: All field boundaries are presumed to be accurate according to the best available information and knowledge of the Seller and Peoples Company. Overall tract acres, tillable acres, etc. may vary from figures stated within the marketing material. Buyer should perform his/her own investigation of the property prior to bidding at the auction. The brief legal descriptions in the marketing material should not be used in legal documents. Full legal descriptions will be taken from abstract. Acres of each tract are subject to change based on survey. Seller and its representatives reserve the right to change the acre figures during the marketing period any time prior to the auction. All of the Farm Program Information is subject to change. Base acres are estimated and will be recalculated with FSA office after change of ownership.

Brokers Protected: Clients must be registered with a listing broker at least 48 hours prior to start of auction. Participating brokers please contact auctioneer for details and forms.


Tract 1 Photos

Tract 1
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Tract 1

Tract 2 Photos

Tract 2
Tract 2
Tract 2
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Tract 2
Tract 2
Tract 2

Tract 3 Photos

Tract 3
Tract 3
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Tract 3
Tract 3
Tract 3
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Tract 3
Tract 3
Tract 3
Tract 3