
Daviess County, MO
235.00 Acres M/L

140th St.
Winston, MO 64689

Price $940,000
Listing #14069
Doug Yegge


Doug Yegge

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.320.9900

Property Info


Offering an excellent 235 acre tract located south of Winston, Missouri. This farm includes 192 crop acres with the remaining acres in timbered draws. This farm carries high quality soils including Grundy and Zook silt loams. Parcel is ideal for a group of hunters looking for an investment with an ideal return. Property is located in Southwest Daviess County, south of Winston, Missouri. Property can be split.

Legal Description

The Southeast 1/4, excluding the acreage in the southeast corner of Section 22, and the West 1/2 Northeast 1/4, Section 27, in Township 58 North, Range 29 West, Daviess Co., MO.


FSA Farmland: 235.13
FSA Cropland: 190.51
Corn: 70.40 with a PLC Yield of 89
Soybeans: 0.90 with a PLC Yield of 28


From Winston Missouri, head south approximately 3.5 miles on County Road BB, turn east onto Waltz Avenue and travel a half mile, property is on north and south sides of road.


1 older machine shed located on the South 80 acres.

  • General Area: Winston, MO

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