Warren County, IA
W 13th Pl.
Indianola, IA 50125
Price | |
Listing | #16068 |

Kalen Ludwig
Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.402.3169

Keaton Dreher
Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.650.1276
Property Info
Looking to build? Check out these cul-de-sac lots and build with Ground Breaker Homes in Indianola! The development is close to Deer Run Golf Course. New 5 year residential tax abatement starting at 100% for Year 1 and decreasing 20% each year after that through Year 5! Lots are sold as a component of a custom build with Ground Breaker Homes. Homes start around $450,000.
Legal Description
From HWY 92/W 2nd Ave., turn south onto S K St., head south and take the 1st right onto W 13th Pl. to enter the cul-de-sac.
See Attachments
- Parcel Number: Multiple
- School District: Indianola
- General Area: Indianola
- Water: City
- Zoning: Residential
Additional Info
Minimum SF Requirements: One-story, ground floor living area of no less than 1,550 square feet. Split-Entry, finished living area of no less than 1,700 square feet. One and a half story, finished living area of no less than 1,750 square feet. Two-story, finished living area of no less than 1,750 square feet. In computation of living area, the same shall not include porches, breezeways, basements, or garages.
Seller is a licensed real estate agent in the State of Iowa.
MLS# | Lot | Address | Size | Type | Price | Status |
647066 | Plat 3 Lot 5 | 1308 W 13th Pl. | 37,849 SF | Walkout | $109,900.00 | Available |
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