
Olmsted County, MN
53.21 Acres M/L

110th St SE
Chatfield, MN 55923

Price $400,000
Listing #16199
Bryan Bergdale


Bryan Bergdale

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 712.251.8588

Property Info


Unique property with tillable farm ground and hunting opportunities. Located just outside of Chatfield MN, Olmsted County. Close and easy commute to Rochester, the property consists of 53.21 total acres m/l with approximately 33 acres tillable and certified for organic production carrying a PI of 73. The remaining acres consist of high-quality hardwood timber offering recreational opportunities including hunting for whitetail deer and turkeys. A lane leading to the property minimizes road frontage providing additional privacy on an already quiet dead-end road. Multiple spots would make excellent building sites that could accommodate all home types along with different areas where ponds could be constructed. This property is a blank slate to build your dream home! Develop your own wildlife sanctuary.

Legal Description

That part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 105 North, Ronge 12 West, Olmsted County, Minnesota, described as follows:

Commencing at the southwest corner of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of South 89'11'06" East, along the south line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, 304.32 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing South 89'11'06" East 2297.23 feet to the southeast corner of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 00'13'10" East, along the east line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 8 for a distance of 2124.69 feet to the centerline of o Township Road; thence North 88'50'12" West, along said centerline 80.01 feet to a point 80.00 feet west of, measured at right angles to, said east line of the Northwest Quarter: thence South 00'13'10" West, parallel to said east line of the Northwest Quarter, 906.96 feet: thence North 89’49’41” West 247.36 feet: thence 233.18 feet along a non-tangent curve, concave to the southeast, having a radius of 1778.33 feet and a control angle of 7'30'44”, the chord of said curve bears South 69'18'47'' West 232.99 feet; thence North 85'46'18" West, not tangent to said curve, 594.18 feet; thence South 00'29’59" West 307.35 feet; thence South 85'41'05" West 89.16; thence South 15'50'54" East 75.94 feet; thence North 89'11'06" West 1098.19 feet; thence South 00'22'48" East 777.44 feet to the point of beginning, containing 53.21 acres and subject to any easements, covenants, and restrictions of record.


From Chatfield, MN: Travel west on Highway 30 for approximately 5.5 miles to 108th Avenue SE. Turn left on 108th Avenue SE and shortly thereafter turn left onto 110th Street SE and travel east for approximately 0.8 miles. The farm will be on the south side of the road.  

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 523322075630
  • School District: Chatfield Public Schools
  • Net Taxes: $1,656.00
  • Lot Size: 53.21 Acres
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Additional Info

A principal of the selling entity holds their real estate license in the State of Minnesota. 

Interactive Map

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