
Warren County, IA
81.00 Acres M/L

Roosevelt Street and 230th Avenue
Lacona, IA 50139

Price $386,775
Listing #15226
Mike Nelson


Mike Nelson

Office: 515-222-1347
Mobile: 641.223.2300

Property Info


Peoples Company is proud to offer this combination farm near Lacona, Iowa! Property consists of 81 acres m/l with 68.74 FSA cropland Acres of which 27.13 acres are currently in row crop production carrying a tillable CSR2 rating of 83.4. The property also includes 22.12 acres in a CRP contract until October 2022 with an annual payment of $3,540 and 13.07 acres in a CRP contract until 2028 with an annual payment of $2,484. The balance of the property consists of timbered creek bottom ground and 6.42 acres of expired CRP that could be put back into CRP, farmed or used for a food plot. The combination of row crops, CRP, and creek bottom provide great hunting opportunities for deer, pheasants, and other small game.

*Property does contain two small grain bins that are not operative and will be sold "as-is, where is" in there current condition. Seller will make no effort to restore grain bins to working condition.

Legal Description

The North Half of the Northwest Quarter and four acres lying north of Wolf Creek in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter in Section 11, Township 74 North, Range 22 West of the 5th P.M. in Warren County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from the Abstract.


FSA Cropland Acres: 68.74 Acres
Corn Base: 23.8 Acres with a PLC Yield of 89

The 27.13 acres of crop ground have been rented for 2021. Seller has applied for a new CRP contract on the 6.42 acres that expired out of CRP. Around March 1st seller will find out if those 6.42 acres will be accepted into the program. Call agent for all details.


From Lacona, IA: Travel north on Highway S23 for 1.5 miles before turning right on 220th Avenue. Continue traveling north on 220th Avenue for 1.5 miles before turning right on Roosevelt Street. Travel east on Roosevelt Street for 1 mile and the farm will be located on the south side of the road. Look for Peoples Company Signs.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 617000
  • Parcel Number: 29000110440, 29000110420, 29000110482
  • School District: Southeast Warren Schools
  • General Area: North of Lacona, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $1,772.00
  • CSR2: 83.40
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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