
Warren County, IA
60.00 Acres M/L

155th Avenue
Liberty Center, IA 50145

Price $255,000
Listing #15033
Mike Nelson


Mike Nelson

Office: 515-222-1347
Mobile: 641.223.2300

Property Info


Hard to find 60 acres in Southern Warren County. This farm is currently used as pasture land and has lots of thick grasses with clover in it all over the farm. There are many good locations for building a home or cabin and ponds. The middle 40 acres is completely private and has lots of big timber and wildlife.  Seller will install a new barb wire fence on the west 1/4 mile property boundary. Adjoining 20 acres is also for sale.

Legal Description

N 1/2 of NE NW and the NW NW in Section 33, Township 74N, Range 23W Warren County. Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from the abstract.


Thick grasses with clover

Many building site locations

One pond and good pond building sites

Big mature trees in the draws

Lots of wildlife


From Liberty Center, Iowa head south to G76 Highway. Go west for 1 mile, then South on 155th Ave for 1/2 a mile. The farm is on the west side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 607786
  • Parcel Number: 11000330440 and N 1/2 of 11000330420
  • School District: Southeast Warren
  • General Area: Liberty Center
  • Net Taxes: $632.00
  • CSR2: 43.70
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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