Warren County, IA
43.66 Acres M/L
McKinley St
Milo, IA 50166
Price | $345,000 |
Listing | #17395 |

Property Info
Legal Description
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 689112
- Parcel Number: 03000090483, 03000090420
- School District: Southeast Warren
- General Area: Milo
- Net Taxes: $596.00
- CSR2: 49.20
- Water: None
- Zoning: Ag
Additional Info
There will be a recorded easement to use the pond dam to access the southeast field. There is also a cattle waterer to the west of the pond dam. The water for that waterer comes from the pond. There will be an easement filed stating that the new owner has the right to use and maintain that cattle waterer.
There is no fence on the east side of this farm. The new owner will be responsible for installing and paying for any new fencing that is needed in the future.
There is no fence on the east side of this farm. The new owner will be responsible for installing and paying for any new fencing that is needed in the future.
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