
Warren County, IA
116.39 Acres M/L

110th Avenue
Indianola, IA 50125

Price $1,150,000
Listing #17582
Kenny Herring, ALC


Kenny Herring, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.783.8718

Steve Bruere


Steve Bruere

Office: 515.222.1347

Property Info


Warren County, Iowa Land Available - Peoples Company is pleased to offer 116.39 gross acres m/l of Warren County, Iowa farmland situated immediately adjacent to the southwestern city limits of Indianola, just south of the Deer Run Golf Club. This large farm offers picturesque views of the gentle rolling hills of Warren County, Iowa with income and recreational opportunities through the Conservation Reserve Program. Utilities including water, electricity, and high-speed communications/fiber are available through Indianola Municipal Utilities on 110th Avenue.

An estimated 98.77 FSA tillable acres carry a CSR2 Rating of 66.9, consisting of the primary soil types of Zook silty clay loam, Laoga silt loam, Mystic-Caleb complex, and Colo silty clay loam. Currently, all of these acres are enrolled into four various CRP contracts that expire between 2025 and 2032. The current annual payment is $25,852, which includes 45.05 acres enrolled into CP23 thru 2025 paying $285.52/acre - $12,863 annually; 25.21 acres enrolled into CP38-E thru 2030 paying $262.67/acre - $6,622 annually; 4.80 acres enrolled in CP21 thru 2031 paying $309.20/acre - $1,484 annually; and 23.71 acres enrolled into CP1 thru 2032 paying $205.95/acre - $4,883 annually.

Based on a recent survey (see attached Plat of Survey) for the residential dwelling located along 110th Avenue, this farm now has the necessary line of sight and fulfills the new Warren County, Iowa building code requirements. The new field entrance at the end of 110th Avenue for this farm is already approved (see attached Driveway Approval) and will allow the farm entrance to also be converted to residential entrances in the future. This new driveway entrance will require an 18" corrugated metal pipe designed in a 3:1 foreslope on the gravel road. Please contact listing agents for additional driveway details.

In addition to the income, quality soils, and recreational opportunities with mature timber along the southern boundary, the farm offers a multitude of opportunities suitable to all your agricultural and recreational desires. The farm is located in Sections 34 & 35 of Lincoln "W" Township in Warren County, Iowa. Don't miss your opportunity to own a sizable piece of Warren County, Iowa farmland! 

Legal Description

The Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), EXCEPT Parcel "A" and the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) in Section Thirty-four (34) AND the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) in Section Thirty-five (35), ALL in Township Seventy-six (76) North, Range Twenty-four (24) West of the 5th P.M., Warren County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Indianola, Iowa: Travel west out of town on State Highway 92 and turn left (south) onto S Y Street, which becomes 110th Avenue. At the end of the road, the property will be directly south. Look for the People Company sign.
  • MLS Number: 694883
  • Parcel Number: 14000340820; 14000340880; 14000350660
  • School District: Indianola Community School District
  • General Area: Southwest side of Indianola, Iowa
  • Gross Taxes: $2,624.00
  • CSR2: 66.90

Additional Info

 *All information, regardless of source, is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. The information may not be used for any purpose other than to identify and analyze properties and services. The data contained herein is copyrighted by Peoples Company and is protected by all applicable copyright laws.

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