
Riverside County, CA
205.02 Acres M/L

Airport Blvd at Buchanan St.
Thermal, CA 92274

Listing #15575
Curtis Buono


Curtis Buono

Office: 559.944.9524
Mobile: 760.521.2501

Property Info


Airport Ranch is a larger tract that is extremely well located in an early, high elevation area of the Mecca Slope.  It was historically operated as a table grape vineyard; however, the older vines have been removed and one 33.66 acre block of younger Early Sweet vines has been retained for potential grafting. Approximately 154.08 acres is available for replanting to a variety of uses - citrus, date, grape and vegetable crops all exist in the vicinity. An Ag Preserve contract offers potentially lower property taxes based on agricultural use versus market value.


  • Excellent early location over 200 feet above the Salton Sea
  • Reliable, affordable Coachella Valley Water District irrigation water
  • Available for new plantings, vineyard block can be grafted
  • Ag Preserve contract limits property taxes
  • APN: 763-380-(012-015); 763-390-(008-011)
  • Additional information in Offering Memorandum
  • Water: CVWD
  • Zoning: A-1-20

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