Riverside County, CA
160.47 Acres M/L

NEC 60th Ave & Lincoln St.
Thermal, CA 92274

Price $4,051,868
Listing #16478
Curtis Buono


Curtis Buono

Office: 559.944.9524
Mobile: 760.521.2501

Property Info


This Mecca Slope parcel is currently leased for row crops. The southern half of the ranch was a lemon orchard whose trees were removed in early 2025 and it is being put into row crop production this year. The open farmland has historically been leased for vegetable production at top rental rates and the southern half has been added to that lease. Ample, affordable irrigation water is provided by the Coachella Valley Water District. The farm benefits from a warm location at a high elevation on the Mecca Slope and is situated one parcel away from the Coachella Canal. It is also located in the City of Coachella’s Sphere of Influence and is within a Qualified Opportunity Zone. 


The northern 80± acres of Prospect Ranch have been leased to a strong vegetable tenant since 2013 with a current lease rate of $1,100 per acre. The lease expires on June 30, 2026; however, there are provisions for early termination after which the property could be re-tenanted, owner-farmed or developed to permanent plantings. 

The farm’s southern 80± acres was previously planted to lemons that were recently removed after reaching the end of their economic lives. The existing row crop tenant has leased this field commencing July 1, 2025 with the same lease rate and terms as the northern 80± acres. 
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 16478
  • Parcel Number: 717-250-023
  • Water: CVWD
  • Zoning: A-1-20

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Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-160.47-acres-Prospect-Ranch-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-160.47-acres-Prospect-Ranch-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-160.47-acres-Prospect-Ranch-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-160.47-acres-Prospect-Ranch-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-160.47-acres-Prospect-Ranch-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-160.47-acres-Prospect-Ranch-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-160.47-acres-Prospect-Ranch-Farmland-Sale Listing Photo: Riverside-County-California-160.47-acres-Prospect-Ranch-Farmland-Sale