Pottawattamie County, IA
64.84 Acres M/L
19012 Badger Avenue
Crescent , IA 51526
Price | $745,000 |
Listing | #15509 |

Property Info
Peoples Company is pleased to be representing the Winnie E. Kamminga Trust in the sale of 64.84 acres m/l of hard-to-find and highly sought-after Pottawattamie County land located in the scenic Loess Hills. Family owned since 1965, this property is located 20 minutes from Downtown Omaha, just east of Crescent, Iowa along Badger Avenue, and in Sections 21, 29, and 30 of the Hazel Dell Township. With 39.56 FSA tillable acres carrying a CSR2 rating of 52.5 and stands of mature timber, this property offers a mix of income and prime recreational opportunities. This general area has been popular with acreage and building sites because of it’s unique landscape and location within minutes of the Omaha Metro.
The farmland is currently leased for the 2021 farm year, but farming rights are available for the 2022 cropping season. Located within Zone 3 in Iowa's Nonresident Deer Hunting Zone, this property has trails throughout the farm, ample food sources, diverse cover combined with water sources to provide a sanctuary supporting a strong population of turkey and trophy whitetail. A Buyer may elect to create food plots, enroll all or part of the farmland into CRP, or have some income producing opportunities ahead.
The property also features a 986 square-feet, three-bedroom and one-bathroom, single-family residential dwelling built in 1917. Utilities are available with electricity provided through Mid-American Energy Company, internet service is available through Cox Communications, and a functional well for water.
The Lewis and Clark Monument Trail is located approximately five miles south of the property, Hitchcock Nature Center is located about seven miles northwest of this property, and the surrounding 220-miles of paved highways for the Loess Hills National Scenic Byway offers breath-taking views of the area's steep, rigid hills. Here is your opportunity to own a piece of history of the Loess Hills with its unique geological, topographical, and archeological history. There are no covenants on this land, so come build your dream home today!
Legal Description
The NW 1/4 NW 1/4 and the NW 1/4 SW 1/4 NW 1/4, except that partly lying South of the Public Road of Section 29, and all of the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 lying South of Creek in Section 20, Township 76, Range 43, described as follows: Commencing 57.75 feet South of the Northeast corner of Section 30, running thence South 64° West 1192 feet or to Northly line of Road, thence along Northerly Line of said Road South 54° 20’ East 840 Feet, thence South 63° 25’ East 260 Feet, thence South 39° 05’ Eat 228 Feet or to Section Line, thence North 1338 Feet or to place of beginning. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.
FSA Cropland Acres: 39.56
From Omaha, Nebraska: Travel east on I-680 E (crossing into Iowa) and take Exit 3B toward Crescent, Iowa. Stay straight on Old Mormon Bridge Rd into Crescent, Iowa. Go north on Old Lincoln Hwy for 0.2 miles. Turn east onto Badger Avenue / County Highway G 36 for 2 miles. The property will be located on the north side of the Badger Avenue and look for the Peoples Company sign.
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 630700
- Parcel Number: 764330200007; 764329100003; 764320300005
- School District: Underwood Community School District
- General Area: Northeast of Omaha, Nebraska; East of Crescent, Iowa
- Net Taxes: $1,692.00
- CSR2: 52.50
- Water: Well
- Zoning: Agricultural
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