
Pocahontas County, IA
80.00 Acres M/L

600th Street/120th Avenue
Fonda, IA 50540

Price $1,196,000
Listing #16852
Andrew Zellmer, ALC


Andrew Zellmer, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 712.898.5913

Doug Bear, ALC


Doug Bear, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.745.3192

Property Info


Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland - Peoples Company is pleased to present 80 total acres m/l of prime southwest Pocahontas County, Iowa farmland. Located two and one-half miles directly northwest of Fonda, Iowa, this highly tillable farm includes 76.78 FSA NHEL cropland acres carrying a CSR2 soil rating of 83.9. The primary soils on this tract consist of Canisteo clay loam, Clarion loam, Webster clay loam, and Nicollet loam. There are several grain marketing options located nearby including both cooperatives and ethanol plants. The farm is currently leased with a strong cash rent and flex provision for the 2023 and 2024 cropping seasons. The new Buyer would have the ability to farm during the 2024 growing season, please contact the listing agents for additional details.

Located within Drainage District #91, the farm has county maintained drainage tile lines in the southeast corner of the farmland (see attached Tile Map), and these drainage tile lines outlet into the Leo Simon Marsh located northeast of the farm. There are additional tile lines and intakes located throughout the farm, but the size of the drainage tile lines are unknown. A wetland determination has been completed on the property and the property has been deemed "prior converted" or PC which would allow for current drainage tile to be maintained and new drainage tile to be installed on the farm without any restrictions.

This farm is located in the northeast quarter of Section 17 in Cedar Township of Pocahontas County, Iowa, and would make for a great add-on to an existing farming operation or a smart investment for the Buyer looking to diversify their portfolio.

Legal Description

The North Half (N 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) in Section Seventeen (17), Township Ninety (90) North, Range Thirty-four (34) West of the 5th P.M., Pocahontas County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Fonda, Iowa: Travel west out of town on Iowa Highway 7 for approximately 1.50 miles and turn right (north) onto 120th Avenue. Continue for 1.75 miles and the tract will be located southwest of the intersection of 600th Street and 120th Avenue. Look for the Peoples Company signs.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 673905
  • Parcel Number: 1317200001; 1317200002
  • General Area: Northwest of Fonda, Iowa
  • Gross Taxes: $2,524.00
  • CSR2: 83.90
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Google Close Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Pocahontas County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Google Far