
Mower County, MN
40.00 Acres M/L

740th Ave.
LeRoy, MN 55951

Price $360,000
Listing #15519
Doug Yegge


Doug Yegge

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.320.9900

Alan McNeil


Alan McNeil

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.321.1125

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present 40 acres M/L of quality farmland located in Mower County, Minnesota. This farm consists of 36.82 cropland acres and carries an overall PI rating of 90.6, it’s also pattern tiled on 60’ centers. The soils are primarily Tripoli clay loam, Readlyn silt loam, Clyde silty clay loam, Racine loam and Racine silt loam. This property is located 7.5 miles Northwest of LeRoy, MN., in Section 36, Township 102 North, Range 15 West, Mower Co., MN.  

Legal Description

40 acres MOL, East 1/2 of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 36, Township 102 North, Range 15 West, Mower Co., MN.


FSA Cropland Acres: 36.82
Total Base Acres: 36.82
Corn Base Acres: 32.26 with a PLC Yield of 148

  • Parcel Number: 04.036.0015
  • Net Taxes: $1,982.00
  • Zoning: ag

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Listing Photo: land-mower-county-minnesota-40-acres-listing-number-15519-0-2021-05-13-173420.jpg