Marshall County, IA
120.00 Acres M/L

Knapp Avenue
Melbourne, IA 50162

Price $1,020,000
Listing #15940
Andrew Zellmer, ALC


Andrew Zellmer, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 712.898.5913

Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to be representing the Estate of Doris Pothast in the sale of high-quality Marshall County, Iowa farmland. This highly tillable tract consists of 116.72 FSA Tillable Acres carrying a CSR2 rating of 60.5. The primary soil types on this farm are Kilduff silty clay loam and Shelby loam. There are 12.72 Acres on the east side of the creek that has been in hay for the last couple of years, but is suitable for row cropping. The farm lease is open for the 2022 cropping season, so don't miss out on this opportunity to add this highly tillable farm to your portfolio.

Located along the west side of Knapp Avenue and approximately three and one-half miles southeast of Melbourne, Iowa, the farm is located in the southeast quarter of Section 10 in Logan Township of Marshall County, Iowa. The Estate of Doris Pothast is being offered as two individual tracts (West Tract - Listing #15940 and East Tract - Listing #15941) or in its entirety. 

Legal Description

The Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) and the South Half (S 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Ten (10), all in Township Eighty-two (82) North, Range NIneteen (19) West of the 5th P.M., Marshall County, Iowa, and containing 120 acres m/l. Exact Legal Description to be taken from the Abstract. 


From Melbourne, Iowa: Travel east out of town on County Highway E63 for 3 miles to Knapp Avenue. Turn right (south) on Knapp Avenue and continue south for half a mile. The property will be located on the right side of the road (west). Look for the Peoples Company sign. 

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 821910400002, 821910400004, 821910400003
  • School District: Marshalltown Community School District
  • General Area: Southeast of Melbourne, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $3,962.00
  • CSR2: 60.50
  • Zoning: A-Agriculture

Interactive Map

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