
Marion County, IA
430.00 Acres M/L

2376 155th Place
Knoxville, IA 50138

Price $2,322,000
Listing #15928
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Andrew Zellmer, ALC


Andrew Zellmer, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 712.898.5913

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to represent the Carruthers family in the sale of their 430 acres m/l of diverse southern Marion County, Iowa land. Located five miles directly east of Columbia, Iowa and just one-half mile north of the Marion/Monroe County line, this combination property offers abundant recreational opportunities combined with a strong ROI through the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).

This recreational tract contains ample food sources, mature blocks of hardwoods, and plentiful water sources to support a strong population of southern Iowa deer, turkey, and pheasants. With the heavily timbered draws combined with the North Cedar Creek and Hickory Creek located in the southern portion of the property, there are a number of pinch points to hang tree stands throughout the property. This tract presents exceptional hunting opportunities for the avid outdoorsman and whitetail hunter, as this area of the state is known for producing record Boone and Crockett whitetails, including the "Iowa's Walking World Record."

Currently, the property has 259.13 acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The program is enrolled into three practices which include 25.43 acres of CP38E-25 (Rare and Declining Habitat) expiring in 2030 with an annual payment of $4,120 ($162 Per Acre), 24.06 acres of CP21/22 (Filter Strips/Riparian Forest Buffer) expiring in 2023 with an annual payment of $7,340 ($305.01 Per Acre), and 209.64 acres of CP23 (Wetland Restoration on Floodplains) expiring in 2024 with an annual payment of $49,803 ($237.56 Per Acre). There are a total of 259.13 CRP acres with an annual payment of $61,263. The primary soil types are Lawson-Quiver-Nodaway complex and Vesser silt loam.

This farm is located south of Knoxville between State Highways 14 & 5 in Sections 28 & 33 of Indiana Township in Marion County, Iowa.

Legal Description

The SE 1/4 and the E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 28; the E 1/2 of the NW 1/4, the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4, and the North 30 acres of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 33, all in Township 74 North, Range 19 West of the 5th P.M., subject to existing public highways. Exact legal description to be taken from the Abstract.


From Knoxville: Travel southeast out of town on State Highway 5 for 5.5 miles to Highway G76. Turn right (south) onto Highway G76 and travel south for 1.25 miles and stay true to Highway G76 around the curve and continue west for 1.5 miles to 155th Place. Turn left (south) onto 155th Place. Travel south on 155th Place for approximately 1.5 miles past Vermont Drive. The property will be to the east (left). Look for the Peoples Company sign.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 642758
  • Parcel Number: 0481600000, 0481800000, 0481900000, 0482100000, 0482000000, 0481700000, 0489900200, 0490400000, 0490600000, 0491000000, 0490900000
  • School District: Twin Cedars Community School District
  • General Area: Southeast of Knoxville, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $9,150.00
  • CSR2: 73.50
  • Zoning: A-Agriculture

Additional Info



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Listing Photo: Google Far Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Google Close Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Marion County, Iowa Farmland For Sale