
Madison County, IA
27.65 Acres M/L

225th Trail
Winterset, IA 50273

Price $241,937
Listing #16306
Mike Nelson


Mike Nelson

Office: 515-222-1347
Mobile: 641.223.2300

Property Info


Hard to find a smaller recreational farm. This 27.65 acre m/l Madison county farm features a 12 acre hay field, big hardwood timber, and lots of wildlife.

If you wish to build a home or cabin getaway this farm has some nice building sites with amazing scenic views to the north. Electric service lines run across the north side of this farm allowing for easy access to hook up to electric. If you want more acres an additional 55.04 acre m/l farm that adjoins this farm to the SE is also for sale. 

Legal Description

27.65A S PT NW SE in Section 35, Township 76N, Range 27W Madison County, Iowa. Exact legal to be taken from abstract.


From Winterset, IA head east on Hwy 92. Turn south on Norwood Ave to Holliwell Bridge Road. Go east to 225th Trail.  Finally, head northeast to the farm.

  • MLS Number: 656127
  • Parcel Number: 400073584010000
  • School District: Winterset
  • General Area: Winterset
  • Net Taxes: $176.00
  • Zoning: Ag

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