Lucas County, IA
17.00 Acres M/L
110th Ave
Lucas, IA 50151
Price | $80,000 |
Listing | #15148 |

Jared Chambers, CAI
Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.414.0234
Property Info
Hard to find 17 m/l acre recreational farm in Lucas County, Iowa. This farm is very diverse with tons of big hardwood timber, a wetlands area, and one older pond. Turkey and deer are seen on the property regularly and in this area. Electric is available near making this an ideal location for camping and outdoor recreational activities.
Legal Description
All the land south of the railroad in the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 in Sec 20, T72N R23W Lucas County, Iowa. Exact Legal Description to be taken from the Abstract.
From Lucas, Iowa go West on Highway 34 to 120th Ave. Go South to 477th Street. Go West to 110th Ave. Head North to the farm on East side of Road.
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 614762
- Parcel Number: 520300002
- School District: Chariton
- General Area: Lucas
- Net Taxes: $470.00
- Zoning: Ag
Additional Info
The South and East fences need repair in places. The seller has a bid from a fencing contractor to repair. The seller will pay for the repair work to be completed at time of closing.
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