
Linn County, MO
76.00 Acres M/L

Hollow Rd.
Purdin, MO 64674

Price $340,000
Listing #15082
Doug Yegge


Doug Yegge

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.320.9900

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to be represent 76 acres MOL of nice laying farm land just 3 miles east of Purdin, Missouri. The farm consists of 71.48 crop acres. Primary soil types are, Leonard, Lagonda, Kilwinning and Armstrong. Attractive investment.

Owner is a real estate Broker in the State of Missouri.

Legal Description

The East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4, excluding 4 acres MOL in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, of Section 10, Township 59 North, Range 20 West, Linn Co., Missouri.


Farmland Acres: 76.7
Cropland Acres:71.48
DCP Cropland Acres: 71.48
Corn Base: 4.8 with a PLC Yield of 89
Grain Sorghum Base: 1.1 with a PLC Yield of 80
Wheat Base: 8.3 with a PLC Yield of 36


Travel south out of Purdin, MO., on Hwy. 5 for one mile, turn east on Hollow Rd. go three miles to the corner of Hollow Rd. and Gulf Dr. The farm is bordered on the west by Gulf Dr. and on the south by Hollow Rd.

  • General Area: Purdin, MO
  • Gross Taxes: $228.57
  • Zoning: Ag

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Listing Photo: land-linn-county-missouri-76-acres-listing-number-15082-0-2020-07-22-213653.jpg