
Lincoln County, AR
1344.00 Acres M/L

Hwy 425
Star City, AR 71667

Price $8,078,000
Listing #18091
Joel King, ALC, CAI


Joel King, ALC, CAI

Office: 870.275.6249
Mobile: 870.847.0945

George Baird, AFM, AAC


George Baird, AFM, AAC

Office: 901.483.0373
Mobile: 901.483.0373

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to bring 1344 acres m/l of irrigated farmland to the market located in Lincoln County, AR. The farm is estimated to be 1154 acres tillable. In addition, there is a substation surrounded by the farm that has added value as far as solar is concerned. 

The farm has been known for years as "The Clowers Farm". It is located in north Lincoln County, Arkansas just south of Pine Bluff approx. 12 miles. The farm lays on both sides of Hwy 425 and is bordered by Jefferson County on the northside. The farm is an investment grade ag property situated in one of the best areas of southeast Arkansas. The farm is irrigated by 10 wells (1 - 6" electric, 6 - 8" diesel, 1 - 8" electric, 1 - 10" electric, and 1 - 10" diesel). All are strategically located for maximum coverage.

In today's market there aren't a lot of farms that are being offered for sale, especially the size and versatility of this tract.  The farm soil NCCPI rating is an impressive 77.6. The makeup of soils is Rilla silt loam, Perry and Portland Clay, Hebert, McGehee, and Grenada silt loam allowing for a diverse crop mix including cotton, corn, soybeans, and rice.

Legal Description

1344.05 acres located in Sections 29,30,31 & 32 Township 7S, Range 7W and Sections 5&6 Township 8S Range 7W Lincoln County, AR. Exact legal description to be taken from Title Commitment. 


From Pine Bluff, AR to the intersection of Hwy 65 and Hwy 425 go south approx. 10 miles and farm lays on both sides of the hwy.  

From Star City, AR go north on Hwy 425 approx. 9 miles. The farm lays on both sides of the road. 


The farm includes 10 wells ranging from 6" to 10" and mix between diesel and electric.
  • School District: Star City
  • Gross Taxes: $12,568.00
  • Lot Size: 1344

Interactive Map

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