Jasper County, IA
249.25 Acres M/L
South 52nd Avenue East
Grinnell, IA 50112
Price | $2,555,000 |
Listing | #17336 |

Property Info
Peoples Company is pleased to present 249.25 acres m/l of Jasper County farmland located approximately 6 miles southwest of Grinnell, Iowa on South 52nd Avenue East. The farm includes 221.44 FSA Cropland acres with a CSR2 soil rating of 69.4. Primary soil types on the farm include highly productive Ackmore silt loam, Judson silty clay loam, and Colo silt loam.
The size of this property allows for mile-long rows to be farmed in the center of the farm. The location along Sugar Creek which flows along the west side of the property allows added drainage tile to be installed and outlet to ‘daylight’. The remaining balance includes a 0.1-acre wetland located in the non-cropped center area of the farm (See Wetland Map) and mature timber draws which adds a recreational component to the property. The farm is open for the 2024 cropping season and is located in Section 13 of Richland Township, Jasper County, Iowa.
There are several grain marketing outlets located nearby including grain elevators and ethanol plants that can be accessed by both county and state paved highways. This farmland tract is located in a strong farming community and would make a great add-on to an existing farming operation or an investment for the Buyer looking to diversify their portfolio or hedge inflation.
The size of this property allows for mile-long rows to be farmed in the center of the farm. The location along Sugar Creek which flows along the west side of the property allows added drainage tile to be installed and outlet to ‘daylight’. The remaining balance includes a 0.1-acre wetland located in the non-cropped center area of the farm (See Wetland Map) and mature timber draws which adds a recreational component to the property. The farm is open for the 2024 cropping season and is located in Section 13 of Richland Township, Jasper County, Iowa.
There are several grain marketing outlets located nearby including grain elevators and ethanol plants that can be accessed by both county and state paved highways. This farmland tract is located in a strong farming community and would make a great add-on to an existing farming operation or an investment for the Buyer looking to diversify their portfolio or hedge inflation.
Legal Description
Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.
From Grinnell, Iowa travel south on Iowa Highway 146 until you reach South 52nd Avenue East. Turn right (east) and travel for 2.5 miles. The farm will be located on the north side of the road. Look for the Peoples Company signs.
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 688909
- Parcel Number: 1513200001; 1513100007; 1513100010; 1513200002; 1513100006; 1513200004; 1513400001; 1513300002; 1513400002
- School District: Grinnell-Newburg Community School District
- General Area: Southwest of Grinnell, Iowa
- Net Taxes: $8,334.00
- CSR2: 69.40
- Zoning: Agricultural
Interactive Map
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