Cottonwood County, MN
78.15 Acres M/L
400th Avenue
Windom, MN 56101
Price | $683,812 |
Listing | #17671 |

Property Info
High-Quality Cottonwood County, Minnesota, Farmland Available! This farm offers 78.15 acres m/l of quality farmland consisting of 74.98 FSA cropland acres, of which approximately 74.98 acres are currently farmed. Soil types on the farm include the highly productive Omsrub-Storden complex, Nicollet Clay loam, and Clarion Loam, carrying an excellent PI of 86.4. Tile has been added to the farm to improve drainage, but tile sizes and locations are unknown. Previous CRP acres were converted to cropland by the seller to increase farmability and production. The farm is located conveniently near Windom Minnesota. This farm would make a great add-on to an existing farm operation or a long-term investment to hold as industries develop near Urbana. The farm is currently leased for the 2024, 2025 & 2026 cropping years. Contact agent for details.
Legal Description
78.15 Acres being part of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 excluding acreage located in Section 15, Township 105 North, Range 37 West, Cottonwood Co., Minnesota. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.
From Windom, MN: Travel north on U.S. Highway 71 for 1.5 miles, turn left onto Co. Rd. 15, and follow Co. Rd. 15 for 10 miles, turn left onto 400th Ave., and follow for 1 mile the farm is on the left.
- Parcel Number: 160150202
- School District: Windom Community Schools
- General Area: Windom
- Gross Taxes: $2,509.00
- Productivity Index: 86.4
- Zoning: AG
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