Warren County, IA
7.19 Acres M/L
728 E Border Street
Des Moines, IA 50315
Price | $299,000 |
Listing | #17030 |

Property Info
Legal Description
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 680198
- Parcel Number: 90000030860
- School District: Des Moines Public Schools
- General Area: South of Des Moines, Iowa
- Gross Taxes: $2,500.00
- CSR2: 49.10
- Lot Size: 7.19
- Water: Des Moines Water Works
- Sewer: Septic Tank
- Building Type: Detached Frame
- Zoning: EX - Light Industrial
- Year Built: 1995
- Living Area Square Feet: 1,024
- Roof: Metal
- Exterior: Steel
- Foundation: Slab
- Driveway: Rock & Concrete Pad
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