
Warren County, IA
7.19 Acres M/L

728 E Border Street
Des Moines, IA 50315

Price $299,000
Doug Bear, ALC


Doug Bear, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.745.3192

Steve Bruere


Steve Bruere

Office: 515.222.1347

Property Info


Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land Available - Located within the city limits of southern Des Moines, Iowa this property is currently zoned EX, which includes Flex-Light Industrial. Please refer to the attachments from the City of Des Moines including Chapter 134-3: Principal Uses and Tables and Chapter 135-2: Building Types for additional information. Future land use of this parcel includes Business Park. Zoning inquiries or zoning changes can be directed to the City of Des Moines Planning and Urban Design. 

This tract includes a 32' x 32' (1,024 Sq. Ft.) metal building, built in 1995, located on the western portion of the property. The inside has been updated with completed electrical wiring and the walls are stubbed for indoor plumbing and ready for drywall. There is also a 1000-gallon septic tank that has been updated and inspected by Warren County Environmental Health.

Improvements on the property include a ready-made 100' x 100' dirt pad, located in the center of the tract that would allow the new owner to get a jump start building a new structure. This pad could also be expanded to the east to accommodate a much larger building. Electricity is provided on-site by MidAmerican Energy and there is an 8" Des Moines Water Works waterline located on the south side of Beardsley Street/E Border Street that could service the property.

According to the 2016 Iowa Department of Transportation traffic maps, over 23,600 cars pass by this property on Iowa Highway 5 daily!!! This property offers an incredible opportunity for buyers looking to establish their business in or near Central Iowa. Located within a short drive of both the east and west mixmasters, this industrial land is packed with potential for your next endeavor!

Legal Description

The SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 3, Township 77 North, Range 24 West of the 5th P.M., Warren County, Iowa EXCEPT Parcel "A" to the survey of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 3, Township 77 North, Range 24 Wet of the 5th P.M., Warren County, Iowa, as shown in Irregular Plat Book 8, Page 13 of 77-24 in office of the Warren County Recorder AND EXCEPT that part thereoff condemned by Condemnation Proceedings filed in the office of the Warren County Recorder in Book 270, Page 558. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From the U.S. Highway 65 / Iowa Highway 5 Bypass, take Exit 96. Turn south onto SW 9th Street and take an immediate left turn (east) onto Beardsley / Border Street. Continue east for approximately 1 mile and the property will be on the north side of the road. The property address is 728 E. Border Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50315. Look for the Peoples Company signs.


Improvements on the property include a ready-made 100' x 100' dirt pad, located in the center of the tract that would allow the new owner to get a jump start building a new structure.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 680198
  • Parcel Number: 90000030860
  • School District: Des Moines Public Schools
  • General Area: South of Des Moines, Iowa
  • Gross Taxes: $2,500.00
  • CSR2: 49.10
  • Lot Size: 7.19
  • Water: Des Moines Water Works
  • Sewer: Septic Tank
  • Building Type: Detached Frame
  • Zoning: EX - Light Industrial
  • Year Built: 1995
  • Living Area Square Feet: 1,024
  • Roof: Metal
  • Exterior: Steel
  • Foundation: Slab
  • Driveway: Rock & Concrete Pad

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Google FarListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for SaleListing Photo: Google CloseListing Photo: Warren County, Iowa & City of Des Moines, Iowa Building Site/Land for Sale uses cookies

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