
Clinton County, IA
79.50 Acres M/L

124th St.
Preston, IA 52069

Price $564,450
Listing #17386
Alan McNeil


Alan McNeil

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.321.1125

Doug Yegge


Doug Yegge

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.320.9900

Property Info


Peoples Company proudly presents the "Thola" farm, 79.5 acres m/l, to be surveyed, of quality farmland located in Clinton Co., Iowa. The farm is comprised of 39 estimated cropland acres, with a CSR2 rating of 36.1. The farm primarily consists of Fayette silty clay loam. The property is located 4 miles north of Charlotte and 8 miles South of Preston. The farm is located in Section 13 of Waterford Township. The mix of tillable and CRP acres provides the perfect habitat for a wide range of game. The farm includes 62.7 acres enrolled in CRP split into 3 different contracts. The contracts together come to a total of $9,742. Contract Agent for details on CRP.

Legal Description

79.5 acres (to be surveyed) in the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, Section 13, Township 83 North, Range 4 East, Clinton Co., IA.


 From Charlotte, Iowa, head north on Z2E for 3 miles until the road splits, go right on 124th St. and travel for half a mile, the property is on east side of the road. 
  • Parcel Number: 6002620000, 6002500000, 6002510000, 6002380000
  • School District: Northeast, Goose Lake
  • General Area: Preston, IA
  • Net Taxes: $1,370.00
  • CSR2: 36.10
  • Zoning: Ag

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