
Chickasaw County, IA
233.53 Acres M/L

Ivanhoe Court Road
New Hampton, IA 50659

Price $2,354,800
Listing #16069
Chase Duesenberg


Chase Duesenberg

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.529.0562

Steve Bruere


Steve Bruere

Office: 515.222.1347

Property Info


Farmland has a notable characteristic of being a tightly held asset and very rarely does a tract of this size, quality, and location come up for sale. The farm consists of 232.35 FSA cropland acres, which includes 229.45 acres of row crop carrying a CSR2 value of 57. The balance of the FSA cropland acres includes 2.90 acres enrolled in CRP (Conservation Reserve Program). The CRP practice is CP8A (Grassed Waterway) expiring in 2029 with an annual payment of $600 ($207 Per Acre). The primary soil types include Marshan clay loam, Udolpho loam, and Hayfield loam. Private drainage tile has been installed on the farm (see attached tile map). 

This farm features a flat topography with a high percentage of tillable land and a manure easement allowing for strong yields and great returns. Other highlights include efficient farmability with mile long rows and great access to several competing grain marketing options located nearby. The property is located southwest of New Hampton in Section 22 of Dayton Township in Chickasaw County, Iowa.

Legal Description

The NW 1/4 and the SW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 95 North, Range 13 West of the 5th P.M. in Chickasaw County, Iowa, except commencing at the Southwest Corner of said SW 1/4 thence East 336 feet, thence North 336 feet, thence West 336 feet, thence South 336 feet to the point of beginning, and except Parcel B in the West Half of said Section 22, and except Parcel #2018-31 in the SE 1/4 of the SW l/4 of said Section 22, subject to legally established highways. Exact legal description to be taken from  Abstract.


FSA Cropland Acres: 232.35
Corn: 217.82 base acres with a PLC Yield of 147
Soybeans: 1 base acre with a PLC Yield of 50
*Farm is enrolled in ARC-CO


From New Hampton, Iowa: Travel west out of town on W. Main Street continuing onto Kenwood Avenue until reaching 210th Street. Turn right (west) on 210th Street for 3/4 of a mile continuing onto 220th Street for 1 mile until reaching Ivanhoe Court. Turn left (south) on Ivanhoe Court for 1/2 mile and the property will be on the south side of Ivanhoe Court.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 647155
  • Parcel Number: 191122200005
  • School District: New Hampton Community School District
  • General Area: Southwest of New Hampton, IA
  • Net Taxes: $4,436.00
  • CSR2: 57.00
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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