
Cedar County, IA
111.11 Acres M/L

Tipton, IA 52772

Price $1,166,655
Listing #15301
Doug Yegge


Doug Yegge

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.320.9900

Alan McNeil


Alan McNeil

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.321.1125

Property Info


Peoples Company is proud to offer 111.11 acres m/l of highly tillable Cedar County, Iowa, farmland. The farm has a great location, on a hard road, just on the Southern out-skirts of Tipton, Iowa. This highly tillable tract contains 109.58 FSA cropland acres, carrying a 74.2 CSR2, with productive soils including; Downs, Fayette and Atterberry silt loams. This farm has been well maintained.

Legal Description

111.11 acres MOL, Located in the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 and all land East of Muscatine Rd. in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6, and the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5, all being in Township 80 North, Range 2 West, Cedar County, Iowa.


FSA Cropland Acres: 109.81
Total Base Acres: 109.57
Corn Base Acres: 85.5 with a PLC Yield of 171
Soybean Base Acres: 22 with a PLC Yield of 45


Southeast edge of Tipton, Iowa, City Limits on Monroe Ave.

  • Parcel Number: 4011053000030
  • School District: Tipton
  • General Area: Tipton, IA
  • Gross Taxes: $2,709.00
  • CSR2: 74.20
  • Zoning: ag

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