
Box Butte County, NE
73.48 Acres M/L

E 10th and Elkhorn Ave
Alliance, NE 44601

Price $308,616
Listing #15097
Nic Smith


Nic Smith

Office: 402.334.0256
Mobile: 402.334.0256

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present 73.48 acres m/l in Box Butte County. This high quality irrigated farm consists of class ll and lll soils. It is easily accessed and located just east of the edge of the town of Alliance, Nebraska.

Legal Description

The East Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) all in Section 31, Township 25 North, Range 47 West of the 6th PM., Box Butte County Nebraska with a total of 73.48 acres m/l. Exact legal will be taken from the deed.


FSA Cropland Acres: 70.53

Corn: 35.9 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 100

Oats: 0.30 Base Acres with PLC Yield 34

Currently has a allocation of 65 inches over a five year period. Allocation starting this period (2020-2024) of 97.5 inches.

Pivot Info: 2013 model 2065 Reinke, 7 Tower Pivot, Basic Panel

Motor Info: 30 HP

Well Info:  G-011738, 1000gpm, 69 ft static level, 89 ft pumping level, 8 in diameter, 200 ft well depth


At the intersection of Hwy 385 and W 10th street on the west side of Alliance, NE, go east through town for 2.5 mi and the property is on the south side.


  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Gross Taxes: $2,689.92
  • Zoning: AG

Interactive Map

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