
Boone County, IA
156.06 Acres M/L

County Highway E62
Woodward, IA 50276

Price $1,605,000
Listing #15836
Jaxon Goedken


Jaxon Goedken

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 319.283.0084

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to offer high-quality tillable acres and timber. The property is in Section 30 of Cass Township on paved County Highway E 62 located north of Woodward, Iowa. The property consists of 156.06 total acres with approximately 103.90 FSA tillable acres carrying a CSR2 of 81.2, well above the county average. Primary soil types on the tillable acres include Nicollet loam, Clarion loam, Webster clay loam, and Zenor sandy loam. In 2017, the farm was patterned tiled with over 55,000 feet of tile installed. The remaining acres consist of high-quality hardwood timber providing prime recreational opportunities. The farm lease is terminated and will be open for the 2022 growing season.

Legal Description

The NE 1/4 of Section 30, Township 82 North, Range 26 West, of the 5th P.M. in Boone County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from the Abstract.


From Woodward, IA: Travel north on Highway R18 for approximately 1.75 miles to 325th Street/County Highway E 62. Turn right on 325th Street/County Highway E 62 and travel east approximately .75 miles and the farm will be on the north side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 640943
  • Parcel Number: 088226301300001, 088226301400001, 088226301200001, 088226301100001
  • School District: Woodward/Granger Community Schools
  • General Area: North of Woodward, IA
  • Net Taxes: $3,493.00
  • CSR2: 81.20
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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