Black Hawk County, IA
80.00 Acres M/L

S Canfield Road
La Porte City, IA 50651

Price $1,112,000
Listing #17149
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


A nice 80-acre m/l farm available between Gilbertville & La Porte City, Iowa! This Black Hawk County farmland tract sits high along paved S Canfield Road and offers something for everyone with a high percentage of quality tillable land, a small section of timber along a creek, and the potential for a building spot with excellent views. There are 73.98 FSA Cropland Acres carrying a CSR2 of 77 and an NHEL (Non-Highly Erodable Land) designation. Tile has been added to the farm over the years. Furthermore, 2.98 acres m/l in the northwest corner of the farm consists of timber and a small stream creating recreational opportunities. The high point in the southeast corner bodes well for natural farmland drainage in addition to creating an excellent place to build a home or farmstead in the future with faraway sunset views. The paved S Canfield Road creates easy access to Highway 20 and Interstate 280 and is less than 45 minutes to the Cedar Rapids grain markets and fewer than 30 minutes to downtown Waterloo or Cedar Falls. The land is located in Section 6 of Spring Creek Township in Black Hawk County, Iowa.

Legal Description

The North One-half of the Southeast Quarter of Section No. 6, Township No 87 North, Range No. 11 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Black Hawk County, Iowa, except that part thereof conveyed for road purposes in 109 LD 241. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Gilbertville: Travel east on 10th Avenue for 2/3 mile and the road will become Poyner Road. Continue east on Poyner Road for 2 miles until you reach S Canfield Road. Head south on S Canfield Road for 2.5 miles and the property will be located on the west side of the road.

From La Porte City: Travel northeast on Commercial Street until the curve where the road becomes 8th Street. After 2/3 mile the road will curve to the north and become Brandon Road. Continue along Brandon Road across the Cedar River bridge until you reach Canfield Road. Head north on Canfield Road for 2.5 miles and the property will be located on the west side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 682736
  • Parcel Number: 871106426001 & 871106401001
  • School District: Union Community School District
  • General Area: Between Gilbertville & La Porte City, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $2,275.65
  • CSR2: 77.00
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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