
Dallas County, IA
116.48 Acres M/L

Co. Highway F51 / 280th Street
Adel, IA 50003

Price Click to Bid Online
Listing #15967
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Steve Bruere


Steve Bruere

Office: 515.222.1347

Property Info


Dallas County, Iowa Land Auction - Mark your calendars for Thursday, February 24th, 2022 at 10:00 AM! Peoples Company is honored to represent the beneficiaries to the Estate of Betty S. Davidson in the sale of 116.48 total acres m/l located just four miles west of Adel, Iowa. This farmland has been a long-standing heirloom of the Clarence "Pete" and Betty Davidson family for over 68 years. After Pete's military service as a Naval Officer commanding a U.S. warship during the Korean War, Pete and Betty purchased the farm in 1954 from Iowa Methodist Hospital. It was here where they worked as a team raising their two children. During these influential years, they instilled the values of hard work, dedication, and responsibility in their children. The farm was a cornerstone for hosting many dinners, hayrack rides, and stone soup suppers for their church group, friends and family, and students Pete taught while at the American Institute of Business. In addition, the farm was also where Suzanne and David learned how to drive the family's 1956 Ford F-100 pickup truck when they could barely see over the dashboard or reach the pedals.

The farmland consists of a total of 116.48 acres m/l with 112.82 FSA cropland acres carrying a CSR2 value of 75.8. The primary soil type includes the highly-productive Clarion loam. There are currently 112 acres being farmed with an additional 0.50 acre enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) thru 2023. The CRP practice is CP-21 Filter Strips and has an annual payment of $171 ($342/Acre). There is also a nearly 8,000 bushel grain bin, built in 1978, located on the northeast corner of the tract.  The farm is leased for the 2022 crop year. Buyer will receive a credit of the 1st half of the cash rent payment totalling $14,037.50 at closing and will assume the cash rent lease with 2nd half cash rent totalling $14,037.50 due and payable on January 1, 2023 to the new buyer.

Improvements include electric and rural water at the road. Electric would be available through MidAmerican Energy. Xenia Rural Water District services this area with a 2" rural water line located along the south side of County Highway F51/280th Street.

This highly tillable farmland tract is located within the west half of Section 27 in Colfax Township, Dallas County, Iowa. The farmland will be offered via public auction as an individual tract on Thursday, February 24th, 2022. The auction will take place at 10:00 AM at the River Valley Golf Course Clubhouse, 22927 Valley View Trail, Adel, Iowa 50003. This auction can also be viewed through a Virtual Online Auction option. Online bidding will be available as well.

Legal Description

The East Half (E 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) AND the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4), EXCEPT commencing at the North Quarter Corner (N ¼) of Section 27, Township 79 North, Range 28 West and being the point of beginning. Thence North 89°50’ West 419.0 feet along the north line of said Sec. 27, thence South 00°29’ East 369.8 feet, thence North 89°15’ East 415.9 feet to the east line of the Northeast Quarter Northwest Quarter (NE ¼ NW ¼) of said Sec,. 27, thence North 00°00’ 363.0 feet along said east line to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 3.5114 Acres including 0.4809 Acres of county road Right-of-Way and is situated in the NE ¼ NW ¼ of Section 27-79-28 West of the 5th P.M., Dallas County, Iowa. Exact legal description will be taken from Abstract. 


From Adel, Iowa: Travel northwest out of town on County Highway F51/280th Street for approximately 4 miles. The farm is located on the south side of the road. Look for Peoples Company signs.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 644262
  • Parcel Number: 1027100003; 1027100006; 1027300002
  • School District: Adel DeSoto Minburn Community School District
  • General Area: West of Adel, Iowa
  • Gross Taxes: $3,042.00
  • CSR2: 75.80
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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Auction Details & Terms

Auction Location Map

Dallas County Land Auction
116.48 Acres M/L
Thursday, February 24th, 2022 at 10:00 AM

Seller: The Estate of Betty S. Davidson

Auction Location:
River Valley Golf Course Clubhouse
22927 Valley View Trail
Adel, Iowa 50003

Online Bidding: Register to bid at

Auction Method: The farmland will be sold as one individual tract on a price per acre basis to the High Bidder.

Farm Program Information: Farm Program Information is provided by the Dallas County Farm Service Agencies. The figures stated in the marketing material are the best estimates of the Seller and Peoples Company; however, Farm Program Information, base acres, total crop acres, conservation plan, etc. are subject to change when the farm is reconstituted by the Dallas County FSA and NRCS offices.

Earnest Money Payment: A 10% earnest money payment is required on the day of the auction. The earnest money payment may be paid in the form of cash or check. All funds will be held in Peoples Company’s Trust Account.

Closing: Closing will occur on or before Thursday, March 31st, 2022. The balance of the purchase price will be payable at closing in the form of cash, guaranteed check, or wire transfer.

Possession: Possession of the farm will be given At Closing, Subject to Tenant's Rights.

Contract & Title: Immediately upon conclusion of the auction, the high bidder will enter into a real estate sales contract and deposit with Peoples Company the required earnest money payment. The Seller will provide a current abstract at their expense. Sale is not contingent upon Buyer financing.

Bidder Registration: All prospective bidders must register with Peoples Company and receive a bidder number in order to bid at the auction.

Other: This sale is subject to all easements, covenants, leases, and restrictions of record. All property including fences and the grain bin will be sold on an “As is – Where is” basis with no warranties, expressed or implied, made by the Auctioneer, Peoples Company, or Seller. All bids will be on a per acre basis. Peoples Company and its representatives are agents of the Seller. Winning bidder acknowledges that they are representing themselves in completing the auction sales transaction. Any announcements made auction day by the Auctioneer or Listing Agents will take precedence over all previous marketing material or oral statements. Bidding increments are at the sole discretion of the Auctioneer. No absentee or phone bids will be accepted at the auction without prior approval of the Auctioneer. All decisions of the Auctioneer are final.

Disclaimer: All field boundaries are presumed to be accurate according to the best available information and knowledge of the Seller and Peoples Company. Overall tract acres, tillable acres, etc. may vary from figures stated within the marketing material. Buyer should perform his/her own investigation of the property prior to bidding at the auction. The brief legal descriptions in the marketing material should not be used in legal documents. Full legal descriptions will be taken from Abstract.


Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Google Far Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Google Close Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale