Appanoose County, IA
145.58 Acres M/L
Multiple Locations
Centerville, IA 52544
Price | Click to Bid Online |
Listing | #14985 |

Jared Chambers, CAI
Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.414.0234

Property Info
Offering 145.58 acres m/l of Appanoose County farmland to be sold in three individual tracts at a live public auction. Whether you are looking for excellent recreational land with the potential for added income, farmland to raise livestock or a beautiful building site to build your dream home, these tracts are ready for you. All three tracts are located just a few minutes from Centerville, Iowa. The auction will take place at the Appanoose Country Club in Centerville, Iowa on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
Tract 1 contains 75.03 acres m/l that sits just east of Centerville along the north side of Highway 2. The ground contains a good mixture of pasture, timber, and rolling terrain. There is a creek that meanders through the entire property, allowing an excellent corridor for deer and other wildlife throughout this property. Numerous possibilities exist as this property is perfect for hunting, running cattle, or as a building site close to town. Rathbun Regional Water Association has a 4-inch water main that runs along the south side of Highway 2 and electric is available from Alliant Energy nearby. Existing access to Tract 1 from Highway 2 is to be shared with the adjacent property owner to the East and each owner shall be jointly responsible for the maintenance. Tract 1 will be subject to an easement for ingress and egress for use of the joint driveway to access the property to the East. Contact agents for additional information. Tract 1 is located in Section 32 of Vermillion Township in Appanoose County, Iowa.
Tract 2 would be a great opportunity to own a secluded property with excellent building site potential less than 10 minutes from downtown Centerville, Iowa. Tract 2 has approximately 40.55 acres m/l that consists of timber, pasture and a small pond. This tract has a barn located at the northwest corner of the property. Rathbun Regional Water Association has 2-inch water lines that run along 240th Ave and 540th Street. The northwest side of the property has a rural water pit and electric service installed. Tract 2 is located in Section 16 of Sharon Township in Appanoose County, Iowa.
Tract 3 has approximately 30 acres m/l of timber and pasture and would be a great opportunity to own a secluded property less than 10 minutes from downtown Centerville, Iowa. This property would make a perfect location to build your dream home. Access can be made off of 240th Ave with rural water and electricity available nearby. Tract 3 is located in Section 16 of Sharon Township in Appanoose County, Iowa.
Farm Program Information: Contact Agent
Please continue scrolling for photos and more individual tract information.
Tract 1: From the intersection of Highway 2 & Highway 5 in Centerville, travel east on Highway 2 for approximately 1.4 miles. The property is situated on the north side of Highway 2. Look for the Peoples Company auction signs.
Tract 2: From the intersection of Highway 2 & Highway 5 in Centerville, travel East on Highway 2 for approximately 1 mile. Turn right and travel south on 230th Ave/Corp Line Road for approximately 2.5 miles. Turn left and travel east onto 540th St for 1 mile. The property lies on the southeast corner of the intersection of 540th St and 240th Ave. Look for the Peoples Company auction signs.
Tract 3: From the intersection of Highway 2 & Highway 5 in Centerville, travel East on Highway 2 for approximately 1 mile. Turn right and travel south on 230th Ave/Corp Line Road for approximately 2.5 miles. Turn left and travel east onto 540th St for 1 mile. Turn right and travel south on 240th Ave for 0.3 miles. The property lies one the east side of 240th Ave. Look for the Peoples Company auction signs.
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 604646
- Parcel Number: 290251003430000, 290251003420000, 290251003440000, 220211001230000, 220211001240000,
- School District: Centerville
- Water: Rural
- Zoning: Agricultural
Interactive Map
Use the Interactive Map to explore the property's regional location. Zoom in and out to see the property's surroundings and toggle various mapping layers on and off in the Map Layer Menu.
Tract 1 contains 75.03 acres m/l that sits just east of Centerville along the north side of Highway 2. The ground contains a good mixture of pasture, timber, and rolling terrain. There is a creek that meanders through the entire property, allowing an excellent corridor for deer and other wildlife throughout this property. Numerous possibilities exist as this property is perfect for hunting, running cattle, or as a building site close to town. Rathbun Regional Water Association has a 4-inch water main that runs along the south side of Highway 2 and electric is available from Alliant Energy nearby. Existing access to Tract 1 from Highway 2 is to be shared with the adjacent property owner to the East and each owner shall be jointly responsible for the maintenance. Tract 1 will be subject to an easement for ingress and egress for use of the joint driveway to access the property to the East. Contact agents for additional information. Tract 1 is located in Section 32 of Vermillion Township in Appanoose County, Iowa.
Legal Description
The East Half of the Northwest Quarter and the West 10 Acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter in Section 32, Township 69 North, Range 17 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, except beginning at a point of the North line of State Highway No. 2, as now located, where the Ransom and Davenport farms join, approximately 114 feet East of the Southeast Corner of the Lynn Grove School Grounds, thence East 150 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence Northwesterly to a point 160 feet North of the place of beginning, then South 160 feet to the place of beginning subject to highway easement. Also except beginning at a point on the North line of the State Highway #2 as now located approximately 264 feet East of the Southeast corner of Lynn Grove School Grounds, thence East 550 feet, thence North 931 feet, thence West 700 feet, thence South 740 feet, thence Southeasterly approximately 235 feet to the point of beginning, being in the East one-half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 69, Range 17. Exact legal description to be taken from abstract.
- Acres: 75.03 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: 290251003430000, 290251003420000, 290251003440000
- Net Taxes: $726.00
From the intersection of Highway 2 & Highway 5 in Centerville, travel east on Highway 2 for approximately 1.4 miles. The property is situated on the north side of Highway 2. Look for the Peoples Company auction signs.
Tract 2 would be a great opportunity to own a secluded property with excellent building site potential less than 10 minutes from downtown Centerville, Iowa. Tract 2 has approximately 40.55 acres m/l that consists of timber, pasture, and a small pond. This tract has a barn located at the northwest corner of the property. Rathbun Regional Water Association has 2-inch water lines that run along 240th Ave and 540th Street. The northwest side of the property has a rural water pit and electric service installed. Tract 2 is located in Section 16 of Sharon Township in Appanoose County, Iowa.
Legal Description
All that part of the West One-Half (W1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Sixteen (16) in Township Sixty-Eight (68) North, of Range Seventeen (17) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Appanoose County Iowa lying north of the abandoned railroad right of way of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad except for real estate legally described as follows:
A part of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 16, township 68 north, range 17 west of the 5th p.m., Appanoose County, Iowa, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 16, township 68 north, range 17 west of the 5th p.m., Appanoose county, Iowa, and proceeding thence south 88° 26’ 20” east 55.97 feet, thence south 00° 00’ 00” east 214.40 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, thence south 80° 13’ 58” west 56.77 feet along said northerly railroad right-of-way line to the west line of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 16, thence north 00° 00’ 00” west 225.56 feet along the west line of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 16 to the point of commencement, said parcel containing 0.283 acres, more or less, subject to easements of record. As recorded in the plat filed on May 8, 2000 in Book 84 page 17. Exact Legal to be taken from abstract.
- Acres: 40.55 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: 220211001240000
- Net Taxes: $1,006.00
From the intersection of Highway 2 & Highway 5 in Centerville, travel East on Highway 2 for approximately 1 mile. Turn right and travel south on 230th Ave/Corp Line Road for approximately 2.5 miles. Turn left and travel east onto 540th St for 1 mile. The property lies on the southeast corner of the intersection of 540th St and 240th Ave. Look for the Peoples Company auction signs.
Tract 3 has approximately 30 acres m/l of timber and pasture and would be a great opportunity to own a secluded property less than 10 minutes from downtown Centerville, Iowa. This property would make a perfect location to build your dream home. Access can be made off of 240th Ave with rural water and electricity available nearby. Tract 3 is located in Section 16 of Sharon Township in Appanoose County, Iowa.
Legal Description
All that part of the West One-Half (W1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Sixteen (16) in Township Sixty-Eight (68) North, of Range Seventeen (17) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Appanoose County Iowa lying south of the abandoned railroad right of way of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. Subject to easements of record. Exact legal description to be taken from abstract.
- Acres: 30.00 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: 220211001230000
- Net Taxes: $466.00
From the intersection of Highway 2 & Highway 5 in Centerville, travel East on Highway 2 for approximately 1 mile. Turn right and travel south on 230th Ave/Corp Line Road for approximately 2.5 miles. Turn left and travel east onto 540th St for 1 mile. Turn right and travel south on 240th Ave for 0.3 miles. The property lies one the east side of 240th Ave. Look for the Peoples Company auction signs.
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Auction Details & Terms
Appanoose County Land Auction
145.58 Acres M/L
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
5:00 PM
Auction Location:
Appanoose County Club
1998 Country Club Road
Centerville, Iowa 52544
Seller: Nancy R. Hoffman Trust
Successor Trustee: John A. Pabst, Attorney at Law
Important information regarding COVID-19:
Auction will be held on location in a format that satisfies the guidelines and restrictions set forth by the Governor on auction day. In an effort to encourage social distancing and to accommodate those seeking to stay home, the auction will also be available on our Peoples Company online and mobile bidding app and via telephone bidding. Please visit or contact the listing agents prior to the auction for any updates.
Auction Method: Tracts 1, 2 and 3 will be sold on a price per acre basis and will be offered in individual tracts. These three tracts will not be offered in their entirety at the conclusion of the auction.
Farm Program Information: Farm Program Information is provided by the Appanoose County Farm Service Agencies. The figures stated in the marketing material are the best estimates of the Seller and Peoples Company; however, Farm Program Information, base acres, total crop acres, conservation plan, etc. are subject to change when the farms are reconstituted by the Appanoose County FSA and NRCS offices.
Earnest Money Payment: A 10% earnest money payment is required on the day of the auction. The earnest money payment may be paid in the form of cash or check. All funds will be held in the Pabst Law Firm Trust Account.
Closing: Closing will occur on or before Tuesday, June 30, 2020. The balance of the purchase price will be payable at closing in the form of cash, certified check, or wire transfer. Closing will be handled by Pabst Law Firm, Albia, IA.
Possession: Full possession of the farm will be given at closing.
Farm Lease: There are not any current leases in place for 2020.
Contract & Title: Immediately upon conclusion of the auction, the high bidder will enter into a real estate sales contract and deposit with Pabst Law Firm the required earnest money payment. The Seller will provide a current abstract at their expense. Sale is not contingent upon Buyer obtaining financing after the auction is over. All financial arrangements are to have been made prior to bidding at the auction. Title to these tracts will transfer via Court Officers Deed.
Bidder Registration: All prospective bidders must register with Peoples Company and receive a bidder number in order to bid at the auction.
Fences: Existing fences, if any, are in as-is condition and will not be updated. No new will be installed by the Sellers. All current and any future fences and fence lines shall be governed by the Appanoose County and State of Iowa fence line rules and regulations.
Additional Tract Information:
Tract 1: Will be sold as 75.03 acres m/l. A survey has been performed to separate the 10 acres m/l owned by others located off of the south east corner of this tract. There is no current fence separating these tracts. Survey stakes have been installed at the corners to identify the property lines. No additional staking will be done by the sellers. New owner of Tract 1 will be responsible for installation of their half of any new fences, if needed.
Tract 2: Will be sold as 40.55 acres m/l. The barn will be sold in as-is condition and will not be repaired or updated by the seller.
Tract 3: Will be sold as 30 acres m/l and as outlined in the marketing material. These acres do not include the abandoned Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company right-of-way located on the north side of Tract 3. Seller will convey any rights to ownership of the abandoned railroad right-of-way acres via Quit Claim Deed to the successful buyer of Tract 3. There is no guarantee to the true ownership of this abandoned railroad right-of-way. New owner of Tract 3 may have claim to this abandoned railroad right-of-way and it will be at their expense to pursue legal ownership of this land.
Other: The sale of these tracts is subject to all easements, covenants, leases, and restrictions of record. All property is sold on an “As is – Where is” basis with no warranties, expressed or implied, made by the Auctioneer, Peoples Company, or Seller. All bids will be on a per acre basis. Peoples Company and its representatives are agents of the Seller. Winning bidder acknowledges that they are representing themselves in completing the auction sales transaction. Any announcements made auction day by the Auctioneer or Listing Agents will take precedence over all previous marketing material or oral statements. Bidding increments are at the sole discretion of the Auctioneer. No absentee or phone bids will be accepted at the auction without prior approval of the Auctioneer. All decisions of the Auctioneer are final.
Disclaimer: All field boundaries are presumed to be accurate according to the best available information and knowledge of the Seller and Peoples Company. Overall tract acres, tillable acres, etc. may vary from figures stated within the marketing material. Buyer should perform his/her own investigation of the property prior to bidding at the auction. The brief legal descriptions in the marketing material should not be used in legal documents. Full legal descriptions will be taken from abstract. If a site clean-up is required on any of the tracts, it shall be at the expense of the Buyer(s) of each tract.
Tract 1 Photos

Tract 2 Photos

Tract 3 Photos