Wayne County, IA
442.57 Acres M/L
180th Street and Idaho Road
Allerton, IA 50008
Price | Click to Bid Online |
Listing | #17793 |

Jared Chambers, CAI
Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.414.0234

Property Info
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 702872
- Parcel Number: Multiple
- School District: Wayne Community Schools
- General Area: Corydon, Iowa
- Net Taxes: $9,364.00
- Zoning: Ag
Interactive Map
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Legal Description
- Acres: 28.13 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: Part of 110E11400004 and 110F12300003
- Net Taxes: $2,471.00
- CSR2: 46.90
Legal Description
- Acres: 15.90 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: Part of 110E11400003
- Net Taxes: $312.00
- CSR2: 61.80
Legal Description
- Acres: 17.81 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: Part of 110E11300004
- Net Taxes: $331.00
- CSR2: 57.30
Legal Description
- Acres: 51.42 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: Part of 110E11300004 and 110E11300002
- Net Taxes: $881.00
- CSR2: 42.70
Legal Description
- Acres: 75.23 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: 110E11400001 and Part of 110E11300002 and 110E11400003
- Net Taxes: $1,236.00
- CSR2: 49.20
Legal Description
- Acres: 52.83 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: Part of 110E11400004 and 110F12300003
- Net Taxes: $795.00
- CSR2: 48.70
Legal Description
- Acres: 67.58 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: Part of 110E11400002 and 110F12300001
- Net Taxes: $1,058.00
- CSR2: 43.10
Legal Description
- Acres: 84.33 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: Part of 110E11400002 and 110E11200005, and 110F12100003
- Net Taxes: $1,464.00
- CSR2: 54.50
Legal Description
- Acres: 49.34 Acres M/L
- Parcel Number: Part of 110E11200005 and 110E11200003
- Net Taxes: $816.00
- CSR2: 47.70
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Auction Details & Terms
The Executor of the Estate of Dean D. Kenney:
Doris M. Kenney
Attorney for the Sellers:
Verle W. Norris, Attorney at Law
The Law Office of Verle W. Norris
Corydon, Iowa 50060
Auction Location:
Walden Park Clubhouse (Corydon Golf Course)
501 South East Street
Corydon, Iowa 50060
Tract 2: 15.90 Surveyed Acres
Tract 3: 17.81 Surveyed Acres
Tract 4: 51.42 Surveyed Acres
Tract 5: 75.23 Surveyed Acres
Tract 6: 52.83 Surveyed Acres
Tract 7: 67.58 Surveyed Acres
Tract 8: 84.33 Surveyed Acres
Tract 9: 49.34 Surveyed Acres
Earnest Money Payment: A 10% earnest money payment is required on the day of the auction. The earnest money payment may be paid in the form of a good check or wire transfer. All funds will be held in the Verle W. Norris Trust Account.
Closing: Closing will occur on or around Wednesday, November 20, 2024. The balance of the purchase price will be payable at closing in the form of certified check or wire transfer. With respect to the timing of the Seller and successful Buyer(s) in fulfilling the obligations set forth in the Real Estate Sale and Purchase Agreement, time is of the essence.
Possession: Possession will be given at closing, subject to the current Tenant’s rights. All tracts have open leases for the 2025 farm season.
2024 Farm Leases: Each Tract is currently rented for the following: Tract 1: Pasture; Tract 2: Hay; Tract 3: Hay and Row Crop; Tract 4: Row Crop and Hay/Pasture; Tract 5: Hay and Pasture; Tract 6: Row Crop and Hay; Tract 7: Row Crop and Hay; Tract 8: Pasture; Tract 9: Row Crop
Survey Information: All of the Tracts will have been surveyed by the date of the auction to determine the property boundaries and the actual gross acres being sold. If any of the tracts sell to different Buyers, then the Sellers will pay for the surveyor to put minimal stakes in at the tract splits to identify new boundaries. Any additional staking will be at the expense of the new Buyer(s) of each tract.
Contract & Title: Immediately upon conclusion of the auction, the high bidder(s) will enter into a Real Estate Sales Contract and deposit with The Law Office of Verle W. Norris the required earnest money payment. The Seller will provide current abstracts at their expense. The sale of this home and farmland is not contingent upon the Buyer obtaining financing after the auction is over. All financial arrangements are to have been made prior to bidding at the auction. Transfer of Title on the Estate owned land will be by Court Officer Deed and subject to court approval.
Bidder Registration: All prospective bidders must register with Peoples Company and receive a bidder number in order to bid at the auction. Online and phone bidders must register with the Auctioneer at least 24 hours prior to the start of the auction.
Driveway Entrances: Each tract currently has its own separate driveway entrance off of the gravel roads. If the new owner(s) of any tract elect to install a new driveway entrance or widen any current driveway entrance then that owner will be responsible for installing them per the Wayne County Engineer’s Office plans and specifications. Any and all costs associated with the installation of new driveway entrances or widening of entrances, if needed, will be at the sole expense of the new Buyer(s) of each tract. The Sellers will not install any new driveway entrances or widen any of the existing driveway entrances.
Fences: Existing fences, if any, are in as-is condition and will not be updated. Tracts 2, 3, and 4 do not have fences on portions of the existing property lines. The remaining tracts have fences on the property lines. No new fences to divide any of the tracts will be installed by the Sellers. All current and any future fences and fence lines shall be governed by the Wayne County and State of Iowa fence line rules and regulations. Existing fence lines may not be located on the true boundary lines.
Tract 1 House & Septic System: The property and house located on Tract 1 will be sold on an “as is, where is” basis with no warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, made by the auctioneer, seller, or Peoples Company. The existing septic system is original from when the home was built in 1973 and due to The State of Iowa Time of Transfer Law will need to be updated. Before time of closing, the new Buyer will sign a binding acknowledgment agreement and with the Wayne County Sanitarian allowing for up to one year to update the existing septic system per the rules and regulations of their office. A $300 septic permit fee will need to be paid before signing the binding acknowledgement. The Buyer of Tract 1 will assume the full expense and responsibility for the installation of a new septic system. No updates or repairs to the existing septic system will be made by the Sellers.
Rathbun Regional Water Association: There is a RRWA water main located at the intersection of Idaho Road and 180th Street and it extends west along the south side of Idaho Road to a neighboring land owner. There is also access to hook into a rural water main located at the northwest corner of Tract 9. If any new rural water meter pits are installed along Tracts 2, 3, and 4 there will be an extra reimbursement cost to RRWA. Contact RRWA or the listing agents for full details.
Rural Water Easement on Tract 2: There is a Rathbun Regional Water Association rural water meter pit located on the southeast corner of Tract 2. This meter pit services a water line that runs north along the west side of the fence into Tract 5 feeding to a Cobett Cattle Waterer. If Tract 2 and Tract 5 sell to different Buyers, then there will be an easement recorded allowing the new owner of Tract 5 access for any maintenance of the meter pit and water service line that may be needed in the future.
Easement on Tract 1: There is an ingress/egress easement for a gas/oil pipeline located on the SE corner of Tract 1. This easement was recorded in 1948 by the
Michigan/Wisconsin Pipeline Company.
Easements on Tract 6: There is an ingress/egress easement located on the southeast portion of Tract 6 for the benefit of the neighboring landowner to the east. Access for this easement is made off of the dirt road portion of Idaho Road.
There is also an ingress/egress easement for a gas/oil pipeline that was recorded in 1948.
Electric Service on 180th Street: Tract 8 had the original family home located on it with electric service hooked up to it in the past. This service is not currently active nor hooked up. The Sellers have continued to pay the required amount per year to Chariton Valley Electric Cooperative (CVEC) as a maintenance fee so the utility poles and lines stay along 180th Street. The Sellers have paid the bill for this year that pays the service until November of 2025. After this date, if the new Buyer’s do not continue to pay this yearly fee, the electric company will remove the poles and electric lines heading north to the old home site located on Tract 8 along the east side of 180th Street. If Tracts 6,7 and 8 sell to different Buyers and they wish to build on those tracts, then those Buyers will need to contact CVEC to continue the agreement with CVEC.
Site Cleanup: If a site clean-up is required on any of the tracts, it will be the new Buyer’s responsibility and at Buyer’s expense.
Taxes: Taxes for each tract are estimated. Final tax amounts will be determined by the Wayne County assessor after time of closing.
Other: This sale is subject to all easements, covenants, leases, and restrictions of record. All property is sold on an “As is – Where is” basis with no warranties, expressed or implied, made by the Auctioneer, Peoples Company, or Seller. All bids will be on a per acre basis. Peoples Company and its representatives are agents of the Seller. Winning bidder acknowledges that they are representing themselves in completing the auction sales transaction. Any announcements made on auction day by the Auctioneer or Listing Agents will take precedence over all previous marketing material or oral statements. Bidding increments are at the sole discretion of the Auctioneer. No absentee or phone bids will be accepted at the auction without prior approval of the Auctioneer. All decisions of the Auctioneer are final.

Tract 1 Photos

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