Haskell County, KS
2898.00 Acres M/L
County Road 70 and County Road WW
Copeland, KS 67837
Price | |
Listing | #14749 |

Property Info
The Withers Farm is located in Haskell County, Kansas 25 miles from Garden City, Kansas. The property will be offered in 15 tracts ranging from 1.1 acres to 460 acres m/l via the multi-parcel auction format where tracts can be purchased individually or any combination. The Farm is comprised of 2,898 acres m/l and will sell “Absolute” to the highest bidder. The property consists of 2,813.28 FSA tillable acres m/l that carry an NCCPI of 58. Primary soils include the highly productive Richfield Silt Loam and Ulysses Silt Loam. The Withers Farm has numerous improvements including 556,000 bushels of grain storage, a 4,999 head feedlot and multiple dwellings. The Withers family has built extensive water rights over the years which authorize approximately 2,475 acres m/l to be irrigated through 16 well-maintained pivots. Property is ideally situated between Garden City and Dodge City with quick access to Highway 56 and Highway 83.
Detailed information can be found in the marketing brochure and online at WithersFarm.com
A two and a half percent (2.5%) Buyer's Premium will be added to the final bid price and included in the total purchase price.
From Garden City, Kansas: Travel south on US Highway 83 approximately 24 miles. Turn left and travel east on County Road 90 for 8 miles. Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, and 15 will be located north of County Road 90 and Tracts 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 will be located south of County Road 90. Watch for detailed tract signs.
From Dodge City, Kansas: Travel west on US Highway 56 approximately 42 miles. Turn right and travel north on County Road Uu for 7 miles. Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 will be located on the east of County Road Uu and Tracts 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 will be located west of County Road Uu. Watch for detailed tract signs.
- Sign On Property: Yes
- General Area: Northeast of Copeland, KS
- Zoning: Agricultural
Additional Info
FSA Cropland Acres: 2,812.28 Acres
Wheat Base: 642.61 Acres with a PLC Yield of 41
Corn Base: 2,000.97 Acres with a PLC Yield of 179
Grain Sorghum Base: 20.26 Acres with a PLC Yield of 108
Interactive Map
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Tract 1 - County Road WW and County Road 70, Copeland, KS

Tract 1 totals 158 acres m/l which consists of approximately 157.12 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 54.5. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam and Ness Clay. Tract 1 is improved with one pivot which provides irrigation for approximately 120 acres. Located on the northeast corner of County Road 70 and County Road WW, this tract is situated in Section 35 of Lockport Township.
115.80 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 181
37.46 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 39
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: SW ¼ of 35-27S-31W
- Acres: 158.00 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $1,966.73
Tract 2 - County Road 70 & County Road WW, Copeland , KS 67837

Tract 2 totals 222.4 acres m/l which consists of approximately 220.60 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 57.6. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam, Ulysses Silt Loam, and Buffalo Park-Ulysses Silt Loam. Tract 2 is improved with two pivots which provides irrigation for approximately 154 acres. Located on the northwest corner of County Road 70 and County Road WW, this tract is situated in Section 34 of Lockport Township.
162.59 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 181
52.60 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 39
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: Part of E ½ 34-27S-31W
- Acres: 222.40 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $1,132.47
Tract 3 - County Road 70, Copeland , KS 67837

Tract 3 totals 307.8 acres m/l which consists of approximately 295.54 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 55.9. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam, Ulysses Silt Loam, and Buffalo Park-Ulysses Silt Loam. Tract 3 is improved with one pivot which provides irrigation for approximately 120 acres and 145 acres of flood irrigation. Located on the south side of County Road 70, this tract is situated in Section 4 of Lockport Township.
227.12 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 177
49.83 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 47
6.17 Grain Sorghum Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 112
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: NE ¼ of 4-28S-31W
- Acres: 307.80 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $1,634.69
Tract 4 - County Road 90, Copeland , KS 67837

Tract 4 totals 317.8 acres m/l and contains the headquarters of the Withers farming operation. This tract also consists of approximately 262.64 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 59.8. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam and Ulysses Silt Loam. Tract 4 is improved with two pivots which provide irrigation for approximately 200 acres. Located on the north side of County Road 90, this tract is situated in Sections 9 and 10 of Lockport Township.
Built in 1989, the Withers Farm office measures 36’x66’ and includes a full, unfinished basement. The brick office building consists of a large private master office as well as an 8’x12’ commercial bank vault with a Diebold door. Other office features include a restroom, ample office counter space, built in cabinets for storage, a marble fireplace, and a security system. The full basement includes a second vault area and ample room for storage. Recent improvements include a new metal roof. Located directly outside the office building is the 70’ commercial scale. This scale has been well maintained and assists with accurate record keeping of the farming operation.
The feedlot facility is certified for 4,999 head with Permit No. A-UAHS-C012 and NPDES Permit No. KS0096971. Feedlot is divided into 17 pens with 3,550 feet of bunk line and each pen containing a frost free, flow stream waterer. Facility is improved with a chute for load out as well as a utility building for feedlot equipment, corn grinding facility, silage bunker, and a working facility for routine checking of the cattle. The utility building, built in 1985 and measuring 72’x32’, includes an 18-foot overhead door with cement floors. Building is insulated and heated with a Lenox 300,000 Btu heater. Built in 1982, the working facility measures 32’x60’ and contains a round tub with a CNS hydraulic chute complete with scales and ventilation for branding. Working facility also includes an insulated and heated veterinary room complete with refrigeration for medicine and storage for other veterinary supplies. The corn grinding facility consists of three 2,000 bushel overhead bins that holds approximately a week’s supply of corn/protein. Feedlot also includes two silage pits with one silage pit located south of the feedlot and containing cement floors and the other located to the north of the feedlots and containing a dirt floor.
The grain bin facility consists of 11 bins, each equipped with aeration fans, that have the capacity to store 556,000 bushels. A majority of the grain bins were installed in the mid 1970’s with the exception of two Behlen 125,000 bushel bins installed in 2001. The grain bin site is improved with a MC grain dryer that is rated at 1,995 bushel/hour removing 5% of moisture. The site is equipped with three load outs with a combined load out rate of 12,000 bushels/hour. Facility is also equipped with two 6,500 bushel/hour rated grain legs installed in 2013, one for inbound grain and one for dried grain. This site has been well maintained and cleaned annually between crops and seasons.
Built in 1975, the headquarters also includes a 120’x125’ fully heated and insulated steel Butler building used as the Withers Farm shop. The shop is complete with 6-inch concrete floors and three overhead doors. The east and west overhead doors are 16’ wide by 14’ high and the center overhead door is 16’ wide by 16’ high. Shop is spray foam insulated and is heated with three 300,000 Btu heaters. The shop contains many improvements including a large shelving complex for tools and parts from an old John Deere Dealership. Shop includes a 24’x38’ enclosed area, complete with a restroom, that would make for a great office location.
The headquarters also contains multiple storage tanks for farm products including anhydrous ammonia, diesel, and oil. These storage tanks consists of two 30,000 gallon commercial anhydrous ammonia tanks with a platform fill station; two 12,000 gallon upright diesel tanks; and four 1,000 gallon tanks for oil; all with containment measures in place.
205.48 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 192
53.48 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 41
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: SW ¼ of 10-28S-31W & SE ¼ of 9-28S-31W
- Acres: 317.80 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $10,198.60
Tract 5 - County Road 90 and County Road UU, Copeland , KS 67837

Tract 5 totals 162 acres m/l which consists of approximately 155.39 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 59.1. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam and Ulysses Silt Loam. Tract 5 is improved with one pivot which provides irrigation for approximately 120 acres. Located on the northwest corner of County Road 90 and County Road UU, this tract is situated in Section 8 of Lockport Township.
114.52 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 181
37.04 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 39
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: SE ¼ of 8-28S-31W
- Acres: 162.00 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $1,508.76
Tract 6 - County Road 90, Copeland , KS 67837

Tract 6 totals 162 acres m/l which consists of approximately 165.32 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 57.7. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam and Ulysses Silt Loam. Located on the north side of County Road 90, this tract is situated in Section 8 of Lockport Township.
121.82 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 181
39.40 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 39
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: SW ¼ of 8-28S-31W
- Acres: 162.00 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $690.87
Tract 7 - County Road UU, Copeland, KS 67837

Tract 7 totals 321 acres m/l which consists of approximately 323.36 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 58.2. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam and Ulysses Silt Loam. Tract 7 is improved with two pivots which provide irrigation for approximately 240 acres. Located on the southwest corner of County Road 90 and County Road UU, this Tract is situated in Section 17 of Lockport Township.
238.33 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 181
77.09 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 39
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: NE ¼ of 17-28S-31W
- Acres: 321.00 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $3,141.34
Tract 8 - County Road 90 & County Road TT, Copeland , KS 67837

Tract 8 totals 157 acres m/l which consists of approximately 157.12 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 57.3. The primary soil type is Richfield Silt Loam. Tract 8 is improved with one pivot which provides irrigation for approximately 120 acres. Located on the southwest corner of County Road 90 and County Road TT, this tract is situated in Section 18 of Lockport Township.
115.85 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 181
37.47 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 39
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: NE ¼ of 18-28S-31W
- Acres: 157.00 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $1,486.71
Tract 9 - County Road 100, Copeland , KS 67837

Tract 9 totals 460 acres m/l which consists of approximately 462.82 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 58.9. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam and Ulysses Silt Loam. Tract 9 is improved with three pivots which provide irrigation for approximately 360 acres. Located on both the north and south side of County Road 100, this tract is situated in Sections 18 and 19 of Lockport Township.
233.74 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 163
137.88 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 41
5.17 Grain Sorghum Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 86
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: S 1/2 of 18-28S-31W & NW ¼ of 19-28S-31W
- Acres: 460.00 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $3,153.74
Tract 10 - County Road 100, Copeland, KS 67837

Tract 10 totals 311 acres m/l which consists of approximately 303.15 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 59.1. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam and Ulysses Silt Loam. Tract 11 is improved with two pivots which provide irrigation for approximately 240 acres. Located on the northwest corner of County Road WW and County Road 100, this tract is situated in Section 15 of Lockport Township.
232.89 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 177
51.10 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 47
6.33 Grain Sorghum Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 112
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: S 1/2 of 15-28S-31W
- Acres: 311.00 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $4,408.80
Tract 11 - County Road 100, Copeland , KS 67837

Tract 11 totals 152 acres m/l which consists of approximately 153.52 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 56.9. Primary soil types include Richfield Silt Loam and Ness Clay. Tract 11 is improved with one pivot which provides irrigation for approximately 120 acres. Located on the southwest corner of County Road WW and County Road 100, this tract is situated in Section 22 of Lockport Township.
113.39 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 181
36.61 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 39
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: Part of NE 1/4 of 22-28S-31W
- Acres: 152.00 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $1,930.01
Tract 12 - County Road WW, Copeland, KS 67837

Tract 12 totals 158 acres m/l which consists of approximately 156.70 FSA tillable acres m/l carrying an NCCPI of 59. The primary soil type is Richfield Silt Loam. Tract 12 is improved with one pivot which provides irrigation for approximately 120 acres. Located on the west side County Road WW, this tract is situated in Section 22 of Lockport Township.
119.64 Corn Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 186
32.65 Wheat Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 42
2.59 Grain Sorghum Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 128
*Farm Program information is estimated and subject to change since it is currently combined with additional tracts. Base acres will be adjusted per the default method when the Farm is reconstituted by the Haskell County FSA Office.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: SE 1/4 of 22-28S-31W
- Acres: 158.00 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $2,605.98
Tract 13 - 669 County Road WW, Copeland, KS 67837

Tract 13 totals 4.2 acres m/l and contains a split level ranch home with an attached two stall garage. The house, built in 1975, consists of four bedrooms and three bathrooms. Extensive remodeling has been done on the home in the past 10 years including a new roof in 2019, new windows in 2016, exterior insulation finishing system (EIFS), and numerous interior updates done in 2011 and 2015 including an updated furnace and water heater. This acreage also includes a 32’x30’ utility building with partially cemented floors. Located on the west side of County Road WW, this tract is situated in Section 34 of Lockport Township.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: Part of SE 1/4 of 35-27S-31W
- Acres: 4.20 Acres M/L
- Net Taxes: $704.36
Tract 14 - County Road WW, Copeland , KS 67837

Tract 14 totals 4 acres m/l and contains three trailer homes. The northern two trailer homes were built in the mid 1990’s and placed on cement footings while the southern trailer home was built in the mid 1980’s. Each trailer home is 16’x80’ and each contain three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Numerous updates have been made in the past few years including new siding in 2015 as well as new windows in each trailer home. The interiors have been well maintained and updated periodically through the years including new tile floors in the north trailer home. Located on the west side of County Road WW, this tract is situated in Section 34 of Lockport Township.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: Part of SE 1/4 of 35-27S-31W
- Acres: 4.00 Acres M/L
Tract 15 - County Road WW, Copeland, KS 67837

Tract 15 contains an old schoolhouse on 1.1 acres m/l which previously served the Lockport community. A modern two room brick building was constructed in 1932 and school was held there until consolidation with Copeland. At its peak, the schoolhouse served 42 students with one teacher. In the 1970’s, the building was used to serve local pheasant hunters on opening day of the season. Located on the northwest corner of County Road 70 and County Road WW, this tract is situated in Section 34 of Lockport Township.
Legal Description
Brief Legal Description: Part of SE 1/4 of 35-27S-31W
- Acres: 1.10 Acres M/L
Auction Details & Terms
Haskell County Land Auction
2,898 Acres M/L
Tuesday, December 17th, 2019
10:00 AM
Auction Location:
Clarion Inn
1911 E Kansas Avenue
Garden City, KS 67846