
Appanoose County, IA
62.00 Acres M/L

138th Ave.
Seymour, IA 52590

Price $359,600
Listing #14675
Doug Yegge


Doug Yegge

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.320.9900

Alan McNeil


Alan McNeil

Office: 563.659.8185
Mobile: 563.321.1125

Property Info


Presenting 62 acres m/l of Appanoose County, Iowa, farmland for sale located just 4 miles east of Seymour,  in Section 15 of Lincoln Township. Per the Appanoose County FSA, the farm consists of 59.59 tillable acres (which does not include 2.19 acres recently cleared), carrying a CSR2 of 54.3. and has been tiled and terraced. Farm is conveniently located 1/4 mile from J46 pavement.



Legal Description

The North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 15, Township 68 North, Range 19 West of the 5th P.M.


FSA Farmland Acres: 61.78
FSA Cropland Acres: 59.59
Corn Base: 48.7 Acres with a PLC Yield of 126
Soybean Base: 3.8 Acres with a PLC Yield of 34


East of Seymour, Iowa, on J46 for approximately 4 miles, go north on 138th Ave., after a quarter of a mile the farm will be on the west side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • General Area: Seymour, IA
  • Gross Taxes: $790.00
  • CSR2: 54.30
  • Zoning: Ag

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Listing Photo: 14675-138th-ave-seymour-52590-0-2019-09-18-191138.jpg